Chapter Eighteen

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Ryu-ah's POV:

Finals were over and I was working on different projects. Jisung and I had seen each other, but we hadn't spoken about what happened after I left Lee Soo Man's office during that meeting with his parents. When I had called Lu Han and told him what happened he had told me he was proud of me for how I handled it because I had protected Jisung's position in NCT by thinking to record the first conversation.

It was almost three in the morning when I was getting back to Jiyong's place. He was still in his living room, working on a song. It was normal, and since he'd sound-proofed each room of his place, he didn't bother any neighbors while he worked at all hours of the day and night... and he didn't hear me wake up screaming from my nightmares. After putting my things in the guest room I was staying in, I went back to the living room.

"Oppa," I said, nudging him lightly to try to get his attention. "OPPA!"

I raised my voice and nudged him slightly harder, not wanting to hurt or bruise him. It got his attention though. He looked shocked to see me.

"When did you get home, Ryu-ah?" he asked me.

"A few minutes ago. I was working at KQ Entertainment with ATEEZ," I told him. "Have you eaten today?"

He looked at me funny. I looked around the living room. It looked like Jaemin had visited. That meant he was going on caffeine.

"Get up and wash up," I told him, helping him get up. "I'll cook. By the time you wash up, I'll have food for you."

"I don't remember the last time I had someone do grocery shopping," he started saying.

"I did it before I went to work today. The refrigerator and the cabinets are stocked. Now, go. I'll make something," I told him, pushing him towards the master bedroom as I went towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I checked the time again. It was just after three now. I knew who it had to be. Only one person came to see Jiyong like this in the middle of the night. I grabbed a carton of ice cream from the freezer, a spoon, and went to open the door.

"Hey, Oppa," I said, showing him the ice cream, making his eyes light up. "Do you want this now, or do you want real food first? I'm about to cook. Jiyong-oppa is in the shower."

"I'll eat both," he said, smiling gleefully, following me into the kitchen. "What are you making?"

When I started pulling ingredients out, he knew.

"You spoil him. It's after three in the morning and you're making him his favorite meal?" Seung-hyun asked me.

"He let me move in with him on no notice," I said, shrugging at him.

"When did you have time to prepare the crabs?" he asked.

"Before I left for work, not today, but yesterday," I told him. "Jiyong was crashed out. They were the last things still in the refrigerator that were fresh, so I started to prepare them and went grocery shopping before I went to work this morning."

After I finished preparing Jiyong's food, I started making myself kimchi.

"How come you're making yourself kimchi? Don't you eat ganjang gaejang?"

"I don't eat seafood. I'll cook it, but that's it," I replied.

As I finished making my kimchi, Jiyong came out to the dining room where I'd set him and Seung-hyun up with ganjang gaejang. I sat down with my kimchi.

"It's the middle of the night, Ryu-ah," Jiyong started. "I was only in the shower about half an hour. There's no way you could've made this in that time."

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora