Chapter Twelve

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Ryu's POV:

Realizing the situation I was in, I knew I needed to get out of there, but I needed to be smart about it. Woojin knew about my heart condition. If he was still willing to risk it to kidnap me, I doubted he would have a problem killing me to keep me from getting away from him. He was becoming unhinged. I could see it in the Stray Kids. Not even they were really comfortable around him. If he was doing something to them, the ones who had been like his brothers on this journey, there was nothing to stop him from finally stopping him from coming after me. 

I pretended to black back out, acting as if the trauma and my condition were too much to keep me conscious. When I did, I heard Woojin muttering about how this was only delaying him taking me and making me his. Just the thought of it made me nauseous, but I was careful not to show that outwardly. After a few hours of me feigning unconscious, I heard his phone ring. Not long after, he left.

When I was sure he was gone, I opened my eyes and started to try to figure out how to get free without killing myself. At first, I couldn't find anything and I started to lose hope. Then, when I pulled my hands down the bars of the bedframe I was tied to, I cut my fingers on a sharp piece of metal on one of the posts going from the top of the bedframe down. It wasn't easy, especially since I kept cutting myself, but I got my hands free. With my hands free, I was able to get my feet freed as well. 

The first thing I did once I was completely free, was take my medications. I really didn't feel well. After that, I checked to see if Woojin had actually taken my electronics or just turned them off and shoved them in my backpack. Lucky for me, he just shoved them in my backpack figuring I'd never get free on my own. I took my phone and turned it on to find my location. It didn't take long to figure out I was far from home. I pinged my location to Kookie and then called him.

"Where have you been, Ryung-gi?! Jin is ready to lose his mind?!" Kookie said as he picked up the phone.

"Exactly where I'm pinging you from, Oppa," I replied. "Someone grabbed me on my way to school. How long have I been missing?"

"Nearly 24 hours, Ryu-ah," he told me, his voice softening. "We've all been terrified we wouldn't find you alive. The police and all of your friends have been trying to help us find you."

"Can you come get me, Kookie?" I asked him, nervously. "I don't know who took me, I only heard a voice, but he's not here right now and I don't want to be here when he comes back."

"I'm on my way," he said to me. "Keep your phone on vibrate and get out of whatever building you're in. Find somewhere with a landmark nearby you can hide by and ping me from there. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I did as Kookie told me to. Almost 45 minutes later, after I saw Woojin drive towards where he had me tied up, Kookie pulled up to the area I was in. Careful not to be seen, I hurried into his car as the guilt of lying to him began to hit me. 

"I'm so glad that I finally have you with me, Ryu-ah. Jin will be so relieved when I come home with you," Kookie said. "Everyone will be."

"Thank you for coming to save me, Kookie," I replied. 

We drove pretty much in silence after that. I was exhausted and he was focusing on the late-night drive. Not long before we got home, I asked him a question.

"Did you tell Appa where you were going, Oppa?"

"No, Ryu-ah," he replied. "I knew if I told anyone, they wouldn't let me leave. Especially since the police have been in the house since we found out you were missing. We left Jin in the house with some of the officers while the rest of us tried to find you in case there was a call about you or you came home. He's a bit of a neurotic mess. Like I said, all of us, the police, and your friends have been out looking for you all day. We only called off the search around one in the morning."

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant