Chapter Three

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Author's Note: Unless otherwise noted, the story is from Jin's POV.

We had made it through the first 24 hours since Ryu had been in her accident. She wasn't really much better, but she survived the first 24 hours. Even the doctors said that while they weren't sure of her odds of survival, they were sure that she had odds of survival because she'd made it through the first critical 24 hours. Just in doing that, Ryu's chances of survival had increased a lot.

I was holding her hand. I couldn't even stroke it because there were so many wires and tubes coming out of her small hand. It made me want to cry, but Kookie and Yoongi were being my rocks. They had been with me all night, letting me cry, telling me that Ryu would be okay because she was my little sister, which meant she had to be as stubborn as I was. It was hard to believe them, as much as I wanted to, because my baby sister, who wasn't very big to begin with, looked so tiny and fragile due to her injuries.

The others had come and brought us lunch. Namjoon's eomma had started calling around Gwacheon to make the arrangements for the funerals for the rest of my family, so she was staying at the dorm. When Hobi put the food in front of me, I tried to push it away.

"Yoongi, did he eat breakfast?" Hobi asked him.

"Chocolate milk," Yoongi answered between mouthfuls.

"Not breakfast," Hobi replied. "You need your energy, Jin. For tonight, and for your sister. Eat."

I sighed and started eating. We all stayed in the hospital room for hours, watching the doctors and nurses coming and going, checking on Ryu, changing her IV and medication bags. At 6pm, we ordered takeout for Yoongi so he'd have dinner. When it was time to leave for the office, I couldn't do it.

"I can't..." I said, stroking my sister's head. "Ryung-gi needs me."

"I'll take good care of her," Yoongi promised. "I promise I'll even stay awake the whole time."

"How will you prove that?" I asked, doubting him.

"I could work on a song while you guys are gone," Yoongi suggested. "You know I can't sleep once I start that."

"He's right about that, Hyung," Hobi took his side.

"I know this isn't easy for you, but we have to go, and you need to take a shower and change before we do. So does Kookie," Joonie said.

Kookie was holding onto Ryu's hand on the opposite side of the bed, not letting go any easier than I was. I looked at him. He wouldn't leave if I didn't and we had to. I sighed.

"Fine. Let's hurry so we can hurry back," I said.

Kookie followed me out and we all rushed back to the dorm so the two of us could shower and change quickly. Then we left to go to the meeting.

Yoongi's POV:

I was sitting next to Ryung-gi's bed, looking at her. Even though I felt bad for Jin, I felt worse for her. I couldn't think of a possibility of her not waking up, so when she woke up, everyone she'd loved but Jin was going to be gone forever. Depending on the severity of injuries the doctors couldn't test for, she may not even have memories from before the crash. She was too little to lose everything like that.

"You look as fragile as a butterfly," I said to her unconscious body. "But I can tell you're tough as nails, Ryung-gi. Come back to all of us."

Butterfly, I thought to myself. And from that, I started writing a song. I wasn't sure of much about it yet, just that it was going to be a ballad and symbolically be about a butterfly.

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