Chapter Two

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It had been more than six months since BTS had debuted. We were doing good, but we could still do so much more. We had finished shooting our second music video for the album we had released two months ago, which we would be releasing the music video and the single in the coming days. Everything was going better for us and we were happy. At least, until I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Kim Seokjin? Brother of Kim Ryung-gi?" the woman asked, and I started to panic a bit.

"Yes, I am. Is something wrong?" I asked scared.

"Mr. Kim, my name is Lee Hae-Yun and I'm a nurse. I'm calling to tell you that your sister was on a plane with your parents and older brother that crashed. I'm sorry to tell you that your parents and older brother did not survive the crash," she said and my legs gave out on me. All six other members of BTS came running to me, Yoongi and Namjoon at my side. "However, Kim Ryung-gi did survive the crash. She is in critical condition at Seoul National University Hospital..."

"I'm on my way," I cut her off. "I'll be there as quickly as I can."

I hung up and looked at the guys staring at me.

"Jin-hyung, what's going on?" Joonie asked me.

"It's my sister..."

"Ryung-gi?" Yoongi asked and I nodded, trying not to cry.

"She's in critical condition at Seoul National University Hospital... I have to go to her. Now. I'm all that she has left."

"What about your brother and parents?" Hoseok asked.

"They were all on a plane that crashed. Ryu was the only one of the four who survived," I said, getting angry they were stopping me with questions. "I have to go!"

Yoongi put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know you do," he said, looking at the others. "I'll drive you. You shouldn't drive like this, hyung."

"He's right, Jin-hyung," Joonie agreed with him. "Let Yoongi-hyung drive you to your sister. I'll explain everything to management. The rest of us will meet you later at the hospital. Do you need anything?"

"Hwan," Kookie said suddenly.

The guys looked at Kookie like he was strange, but I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I hugged him. He was growing up to be such a good man.

"Thank you, Kookie. For remembering what I told you about that bear. Please, bring him. I think she needs him now more than I do," I said to him as I held him crying.

When I let him go, Yoongi led me out of the building and drove me towards the hospital.

Jungkook's POV:

Once Jin-hyung was out of sight everyone turned to me.

"What?" I asked, trying not to let Jin's emotions get the best of me.

"What's the deal with the bear?" Hoseok-hyung asked me.

"It was Ryung-gi's bear since she was a little girl, her favorite stuffed animal. She gave it to Jin-hyung to protect him when he left to come to Seoul and be a trainee. She insisted he bring it with him because she couldn't be with him like they used to. Ryung-gi and Jin-hyung were very close and since he couldn't protect her, she wanted to make sure he was safe by giving him Hwan. It's why he's been so overprotective of the bear for all these years," I explained.

"That explains why when I tried to take it he tried to kill me," Taehyung said to me.

"Yeah," I said. "When he told me about his seven year old sister giving him Hwan, the way he described the relationship between them, it was clear the bond between them was special. That bear meant everything to Ryung-gi, so when she gave it to Jin-hyung it meant everything to him, too. We have to get it and bring it to the hospital."

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora