On My Way to Happiness

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I'm lost. I'm far from home. All I can see around me are sad faces and none of them seem to look as if they have ever smiled before. Then I looked at myself into the mirror. I was looking just like them. With no smile on my face and no spark of happiness in my eyes. I asked everyone around me if they knew my current location. But no one seemed to pay attention to me. I noticed a broken signboard at a corner. It was covered with cobwebs and dust but the thing written on it was clearly visible—“The Station of Depression”.

          I was a little taken aback. I looked around me. The place was dark, dull and gloomy. I realized that it was a train station which led to different paths of life. I looked for the train schedule board and at last I could find it. I knew where I lived, where I was from but couldn't remember who I was. It was weird. "Nevermind." I said to myself and started reading the names of the cities written on the board. 

          The names of the destinations surprised me. They were somewhat strange—Light, Darkness, Hell, Heaven, Sadness, etc.  I was dumbstruck by these names. I looked around myself once more and observed people getting onto a train named as, ‘Suicide’. 

          What in the world did that even mean? 

          The train was stuffed with thousands of people even though the seats were reserved for only hundreds of them. The similar trains were—The End, Death, etc. I was frightened. I didn't know whether to go with the majority of people or go on my own. I was afraid of being alone. I missed my family.

          I recalled that they were the ones who had left me in a place like this. Even though they didn't do it on purpose. I love them and wanted to go back to where I belonged. I thought for a while. If I go with the majority, everything will end. Even my sadness. It wouldn't follow me to heaven, would it? 

          Then I found this place called ‘happiness’. It said that it would lead me to where I came from. But I thought about it too. Even if I go there, I might return back here afterwards. Then there wouldn't be a point to go there anyways.  But if I go, I would be able to feel a smile on my face once again. Even if it's for a small period of time. 

          I didn't have any money and the charge for the train, that was packed with people was free. Happiness's train didn't charge money either. It charged time. The people on the train would get to the destination in no time. And then I realised that there was not a single train in the first place, that would take me to my second option! 

          But there was a path that could Lead me to happiness. That path was called ‘Loving myself’. It seemed easy to go through. I'd get some fresh air and wouldn't have to suffocate in the crowd of people in the train. The train Departed and even if I change my mind, I couldn't get onto it anymore. I tried to forget about it and started my journey through the path of ‘loving myself’. It sounded easy but it was absolutely not. It was easier said than done. The path had broken roads, pebbles, mud and a lot more. It was all a mess! It literally felt like climbing Mountains and swimming the seven seas. It was impossible to cover the distance. 

          There was no one around and I could go back to the station of depression whenever I felt like. But the distance that I had covered, would be a waste if I go back and if I would want to go to happiness again, I would again have to go through this mess. But I kind of enjoyed it.

          It was harder and harder each time to walk. But it was getting interesting. Every step I took started to bring a smile on my face as I got to know who I truly am. I felt lighter and lighter as I continued walking, leaving all the negative emotions behind me. It felt like I was almost there. At happiness.

          People were in joyous and everything seemed to be bright and cheerful. This world has never been this beautiful to me before. I found my parents. They rejoiced after seeing me. But they didn't realise that I was gone.

No one actually knows what could hurt you. So they say these hurtful words whether they mean it or not. They make you feel worthless. But you have to be strong. And keep loving yourself. Cause if you don't love yourself, who will? Always remember that you must take your way back home. To happiness. 'Cause that's where you belong. Sometimes you may end up at ‘The Station of Depression’. But do NOT take the train which the majority of the people are taking.

          Love yourself. It will be hard. But worth all the pain. It will be worth it. I promise.



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