🍰 The Purpose of S-hi-t tea Memes & Stuff! 🍰

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This part of the book contains some personal talks and the purpose of creating this book. So if you don't wanna get bored, annoyed, irritated, irked or emotional, please skip this chapter and go on for the next one.

Or read it at your own risk

And if I have mentioned you, sorry if I have wasted your time. It's actually a shout out.

* * * * *

*sips tea*

*looks into the wrist watch every now and then*

*takes a breath*

Hello everybody! *sips again*

Have you heard the joke about pizza?
Comment »

Anyways, welcome to
              S-hi-t tea☕ Memes & Stuff!

Presented by ItsMistar

Brought to you by ItsMistar

And literally everything by ItsMistar

So, this is » S-hi-t tea Memes & Stuff! « 🙋

Where we'll do everything that makes us happy! 🙌

The main reason why I have started this book is that, a few days ago, I was feeling really low and I was literally sad for no possible reason. I had a tangled mind. I didn't tell anyone about this until now. I went through so much in my mind.

I would have rather called it 'Depression' but I didn't actually title my sadness as that word. Because nowadays it's more like a word not to be taken. If you know, you know.

My 'sadness' had no reason other than the fact that I was breaking down in tears in the littlest and the silliest things.

If someone said something that I didn't like, I used to talk back. But at that point of my life, I couldn't even speak. Every time when I tried to, I bursted out crying first.

It's a story of...not so long ago.

And couldn't sleep at night because I was trying to hold back my tears and not to make any sound. If my parents knew that I was crying, they'd scold me even more.

Yeah, right. My parents are still unknown to this mental breakdown of mine.

Then when this thing continued for a week, I thought that I should really look after it. I wanted to write a poem or a passage about my feelings. And eventually, I did.

I described everything and it took me four and a half pages to write. I may recite it in a video in near future. It was about my feelings and I ended it by writing some motivational words in case someone feels emotional after reading it or watching my video.

I was inspired by Ryusensei2000 ’s video “Don't call us disgusting”

In the comments section of the video, I was talking to a few wattpadians(Martians) about how gross people's mindsets are. Indian parents don't support LGBTQ community and all that. I was writing encouraging comments to those who felt sad about this. Because I was sad and I didn't want anyone else to be, inspite of any reason of their sadness.

S-hi-t tea Memes & Stuff!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz