🍒 Puns #1

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Yoooooooooooo do you like puns?! 😆
I've got some good ones here😂

Bad puns...it's how eye roll😂

Well if you don't understand any of them, just let me know in the inline comments. I'll explain.

Here we goooo!

1. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down! 📕

2. The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar. It was tense!

3. How did the picture end up in jail? It was framed! 🌉

4. You really shouldn't be intimidated by advanced math...it's easy as pi! π

5. My ex-wife still misses me. But her aim is starting to improve! 🔪🔘

6. What did the hamburger name it's baby? Patty! 🍔

7. Why was the baby ant confused? Because all his uncles were ants! 🐜

8. One lung said to another...we be-lung together!

9. What did the sushi say to the bee? Wassab-bee? 🍣

10. My girlfriend thought I'd never be able to make a car out of spaghetti... You should've seen her face when I drove pasta! 🍝🚗

11. Coffee has a rough time in our house. It gets mugged every single morning! ☕

12. I just found out that I'm color blind. The news came completely out of the green! 📰

13. What do you call the wife of a hippie? Mississippi!

14. Whenever I undress in the bathroom... My shower gets turned on! 👗🚿

15. Why didn't the cat go to the vet? Because he was feline fine! 🐈

16. Who is the penguin's favorite Aunt? Aunt-Arctica!

17. I once met a pig that did karate...we called him Pork Chop! 🐖

18. Somebody stole all my lamps....and I couldn't be more de-lighted! 💡

19. My wife refuses to go to a nude beach with me...I think she's just being clothes-minded! 👕

20. The quickest way to make antifreeze? Just steal her blanket!

21. What do you do with chemists when they die? Barium!

22. What?! You're a cheetah?! No! You're lion! 🐆

23. How do you make a good egg-roll? You push it down a hill! 🍳

24. Apple is designing a new automatic car. But they're having trouble installing Windows! 🍎

25. That baseball player was such a bad sport. He stole third base and then just ran home! 🏠

26. I have a few jokes about unemployed people... But none of them work!

27. Every soccer player's favorite beverage? Penal-tea! ⚽

28. What do you call an overweight psychic? A four-chin teller! 🔮

29. Why do eggs hate jokes? The answer cracks them up! 🍳

30. I used to wonder why Frisbees looked bigger the closer they came... And then it hit me! 💥

31. I'm glad I know sign language. It can come in pretty handy! 🙌

32. Looks tasty. Gimme a pizza that! 🍕

33. A police officer just knocked on my door and told me my dogs are chasing people on bikes. That's ridiculous. My dogs don't even own bikes! 🚴🚵🐕

34. I wanted to take pictures of the fog this morning... But I mist my chance. I guess I could dew ittomorrow! 📷

35. Why did the scientist install a knocker on his front door. He wanted to win the No-bell prize! 🔔

36. My dad unfortunately passed away when we couldn't remember his blood type... His last words to us were, "Be positive!" 🅱

37. Did you hear about the guy who had his left leg and left arm amputated after a car crash? He's all right now!

38. I became a vegetarian. It was a huge missed-steak!

39. Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink!

40. I saw an ad for burial plots, and I thought... "That's the last thing I need!"

41. I can't believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off! 📅

That's it for today!
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Well grizzly didn't 🐻

Why did grizzly hate this part if the book? He just can't bear puns!


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