☁️ FAQ #1 ☁️

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🦛 Why is the book title like that?
S-hi-T Tea Memes & Stuff ☕

It's very simple, I just wanted to make a pun out of it.

The first word is Shit, which literally means "random things" here.
In the book cover, you can see S and T of that word saying "hi" to each other. Cause that word might be offensive for some people so I didn't let it be direct. Instead, made some creativity out of that.

The second word is Tea cause I was obsessed with drinking ginger tea when I came up with the idea of making this book. And the first & second word, together, "shit tea" sounds like "shitty" which, here, is another pun!

The rest of the words are memes and stuff. Memes, just to keep the smiles of the readers and the stuff includes sad stories, motivation and inspiration which I hope to write in the future.

And as a pun, it can also sound like "Shitty memes and stuff". Which is, after all, just for fun!

I hope you enjoy and have a good laugh! 🦋

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