Volume 1 Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon

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After the whole vomit fiasco that happened a few minutes ago, the Bullhead had finally arrived at Beacon. They made their way out of the Bullhead and see Vomit Boy vomiting by a nearby trash bin after he exited out of the Bullhead.

Roxas: (mind) I feel you buddy.

Roxas also saw the same red head that tried to help him earlier. She noticed his gaze was towards her. She waved at him and Roxas waved back at her. There was also a green haired girl with and by the looks of it, they must be friends.

After walking a few meters, they immediately stopped and admired the view of their new school, Beacon Academy.

While Roxas was still admiring the view, Ruby suddenly turned into a chibi and starts fangirling over other people's weapons

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While Roxas was still admiring the view, Ruby suddenly turned into a chibi and starts fangirling over other people's weapons.

While Roxas was still admiring the view, Ruby suddenly turned into a chibi and starts fangirling over other people's weapons

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Roxas: You want to take it down a notch there.

Yang: Yeah sis, they're just weapons
Ruby: Just weapons?! They're an extension of ourselves! They're apart of us! Ohhh, they're so cool!

Yang: Well, why can't you swoon over your eapons?

Ruby takes out her scythe, almost hitting Roxas in the face.

Roxas: Hey! Watch were you take that thing out!

Ruby: (giggles) Sorry... But anyway, of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people but better.

Roxas: I didn't understand that logic but okay.

Yang walks over and pulls Ruby's hood over her head.

Yang: Ruby, come on. Why don't you make some friends of your own?

Ruby: But why would I need friends when I have you and Roxas?

Roxas: We're friends? Since when have we been friends?

Ruby gasps dramatically while Yang laughs at Ruby's reaction.

Ruby: Yang! Why are you laughing?!

Yang: Haha... sorry Ruby... You know it's a joke.

Ruby: Huh?

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