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I looked up to meet her eyes. Her warm smile bringing me away from my position in the book. "Lyra, dear, what exactly is it like up in Heaven?" Mrs.Veer asked.

Lyra smiled and shrugged, "I guess it's like Earth. Just the same. Of course we are currently going into a war with Hell soon, I think that's the only difference."

Mrs.Veer laughed, "I'm sure you'll win this battle. I can feel it." Lyra raised a brow, "You can see the future?" She asked.

The old woman shook her head, "A feeling, only of course. I have a feeling that you will help those souls live another day."

Lyra smiled, "I know voodoo, too girl. I know how to contact the dead." Lyra's eyes slightly widen, "You know voodoo?!" She asked as her voice clearly shows how shocked she was.

Mrs.Veer chuckled, "Yes. I've known it since I was..I'd say around 18." She smiles.

Lyra nods and mirrors her smile, "You must have meet many souls then." Mrs.Veer nods, "They all just want someone."

"Lost souls are the ones who always feel like the loneliest people ever. That's why...we need to see if they need company. Whether they asked for it or not." Lyra softly smiled, "Maybe someone will make them stop feeling so lonely. Let them be free of whichever cell they're being held in." Mrs.Veer asked.

"I'll be that person, if you'd like of course." Lyra inquired, Mrs.Veer smiled and nods. "Free them, you'll know where to find them when you suddenly feel dizzy."


"Then there's Benito, he's also doing alright." Lyra says as the two walked down a forest. Ophelia smiled, she sure did miss Benito.

"Had anything gotten better for you? No one bothered you once I left?" Ophelia asked, her eyes filled with hope.

Lyra looked down at them and almost frowned, "Everything went slightly easier." Lyra lied, she hated lying, especially to the girl she had fallen in love with.

Ophelia knew she lied, but instead of confronting the matter..she grabbed Lyra's hand. Lyra almost winced at the touch of Ophelia.

She wasn't used to being touched so suddenly, she would always held in that flinch whenever someone hugged her unexpectedly.

But this was Ophelia..it was different. It was like she and DL craved for her touch. It had been years, years of agony, years of feeling lost.

"I'm sorry." Lyra softly whispered, Ophelia looked up at her, never taking her hand away from Lyra's. "No need to apologize." Ophelia whispered.

Lyra felt her cheeks warm up, she closed her eyes and smiled.

Lilith had snuck out of the manor and went to the hotel. When she got there she noticed how quiet it was, she felt panic rise in her until she heard the questioning voice from up the stairs.

She looked up and saw her only daughter, Charlie.

She immediately ran to he and hugged her. Lilith wasn't wearing a black dress like always, she wore a hoodie and sweatpants.

It was an odd site for Charlie as she had never seen her mother without that dress.

She was also surprised to be hugging her mother back, she never hugged her parents much as a child. She loved them unconditionally though.

"We need to talk."

• • •

Jensen has finally gotten over Lyra. Though he did worry where she had gone too. She had been missing for two years.

Did she leave to go back to her family? He often asked this himself, he often went to check on Ms.Ace and see if she was doing alright.

Jensen was now on a date. Her chocolate skin glowed under the sun, her curly hair was in a nice neat bun.

She had soft freckles displayed on her face. The two were in a deep conversation to notice Jack was walking up to them.

"Jen!" Jack yelled as he neared, Jensen turned to look at his twin brother, and cursed under his breath.

"Jen I got- oh hey Nadine!" He waves at the girl who happily waved back. "Jen I got something to show you. It's urgent." Jack went back to whatever he wanted to say in the beginning.

Jensen furrowed his brows, "Whats wrong?" He asked, "It's about Ana."


"What?!" Charlie yelled as she heard the unexpected news. "We have to stop him before it's too late, he's already planning on sounding it in two days!" Lilith exclaimed.

Charlie was just struck at the news that her husband planned on taking over heaven with her father who will kill her adoptive daughter.

"What can we do?!" Charlie asked, "I have a plan, but I don't think she will be too happy after being isolated for so long. Come, it's not anywhere near the mansion. It's actually right by the park."

"...what?" Jensen asked in complete shock at the scene of the flower. There was only one petal left of the flower of Lyra.

He had seen it in its glory before, he saw the garden of those beautiful flowers too. And now they're all withered.

The last one had only one petal, it glowed weakly, Jack And Jensen both felt their heart hurt.

Could this be?

"Why is this happening?" Jensen asked, Jack shook his head. "I don't want to think of the worse. Maybe were too late, she's probably locked up somewhere. Having been caught by Lucifer himself." Jack spat out the mention of Lyra's grandfather.

"We need to do something!" Jensen pointed out, Jack furrowed his brows, "What can we do? We're not Lyra! We're not some powerful beings with extradorinaiy powers!" Jack yelled.

He scoffed at his twin, "We gotta warn everyone, they have to believe us. Lucifer can strike at any moment Jackie!" Jeans exclaimed, jack shook his head.

"They won't believe us. They won't believe a boy who killed his father in cold blood twice and his brother and himself and a innocent fucking girl!" Jack yelled.

Jensen's face fell to a sad expression. He pulled jack into a hug and jack didn't even fight it.

"I'm sorry.." Jack apologizes, "Let's go to Ms.Ace, see if she can help." Jack nods and the two leave to go to the welcoming home of Alexandria.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now