I walk over to them and hug them all.

Ross:There's my boy!.Here's my boy!.And here's his Barbie...

Ben is holding a Barbie doll and I smile.

Ross:What's uh what's my boy doing with a Barbie?.

Carol:He picked it out of the toy store himself he loves it.

Susan:He carries it everywhere it's like a security blanket but with ski boots and a kicky beret.

Ross:Yeah it's,it's,it's cute.Why,why,why does he have it again?.

Susan:So he's got a doll?.So what?.Unless you're afraid he's gonna grow up and be in show business.

Carol:This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he is being raised by two women does it?.

Tabitha:I hope not."Looks at Ross".

Ross:You know what it's fine.If you're okay with the Barbie thing so am I.


   Later in the day at Monica and Rachel's apartment Ross is trying to get Ben to give him his Barbie.

Ross:Give daddy the Barbie Ben give,give me the Barbie.Okay how bout don't you want to play with the monster truck?."Makes a monster truck sound".No.Okay oh,oh how about a Dino-soilder?."Squawks like a dinosaur".

Rachel:Ross you are so pathetic.Why can't your son just play with his doll?."Uses the Milk Master 2000 to pour milk into her cereal".

Monica:"Entering from her bedroom".I gotta go to work.Has anybody seen my left boob?.

Joey:I love that movie.

   I see Joey is using it as a pillow and I hold a laugh.

Monica:There it is.Joey what are you doing?.

Joey:I'm sorry it just felt nice.

Chandler:"Entering with his ringing phone".Joe.Joe!.Answer the phone.

Joey:Hey I only got one good arm you know. You should be doing stuff for me.Go get me a sweater.

Chandler:Just do it!.Okay it's Janice and if I get it I'm going to have to see her tonight."Phone stops ringing".Oh that's great I'm gonna have to see her tonight.

Tabitha:What's the big deal?.Why don't you wanna see Janice?.

Chandler:Okay last night at dinner when the meals came she put half her chicken piccata on my plate and took my tomatoes.

Ross:And that's bad because...you hate chicken piccata?.


Ross:You didn't want to share your tomatoes,tomatoes are very important to you.

Chandler:No it's like all of the sudden we were this couple.And this alarm started going off in my head Run for your life.Get out of the building.

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