Chapter Two: A Strange Night

Começar do início

He narrowed his eyes.

"I can shee zhe cogs turning. Zhere is no vay jou'll be able to out run me. Und zhe vindows? Ve are on zhe third floor. I'm afraid if jou vant any chance of leaving jou'll have to answer my questions." He said matter-of-fact.

I could feel his eyes piercing through me. I tried to hold my ground as I considered my options. His gaze never wavered until I relented and conceded to his questioning. Richtofen sat back in his large office chair as he sunk into the soft leather.

"Ahh, jou are much more clever zhan I zhought!" Richtofen sang before continuing.

"Zhough...I vould have enjoyed hearing jour delicious cries of agony had jou refused..."

A shiver ran up my spine as I tried to keep a neutral face and hide how disturbed I truly was by his words. Richtofen, on the other hand, was busy savouring the thought before quickly composing himself. I felt physically sick watching him; in fact, I felt nauseous at his mere existence.

Richtofen rested his elbows on the arms of the chair before his fingers assumed a steeple position. He lent into his gloved hands as if in deep thought - never taking his eyes off me with that sinister glare.

"Firsht question, vhat is jour name?" He murmured, half expecting more silence.

"Kiana", I spoke calmly and timely.

"Excellent, so jou DO have a name, who vould've zhought?" A smug smile crept across his mouth.

He clearly enjoyed the effect he had on people.

"Shecond question, vhere are jou from?" 

Now that was a tough one, I was not sure if he would even believe me if I told him the truth. The less said the better I thought.

"Scotla--" I replied before being cut off.

"Vhen are jou from?" He snapped leaning over the desk, clearly eager to get to the more interesting questions.

"I can tell from zhe clozhing und... piercings und markings on jour skin zhat jou are not from zhis time. I know all about time travel jou know", he grinned and gave me a coy look.

The situation was beginning to take its toll on my nerves and I felt a strange feeling of frustration boil up.

I replied abruptly with "2020" before earning another raised eyebrow.

My patience was nearing its limit and I was becoming angrier at the absurd situation I found myself in.

"You wanted me to answer your questions, did you not?" I added, now folding my arms.

My face no longer hid my anger and annoyance. Richtofen sat back again as his gaze bore through me. He analysed me with calculating eyes as we sat in silence for what felt like hours. I never broke his gaze and I held my ground, now impervious to his attempts at intimidation. I had enough. It was surreal to think I had been transported into a fictional game and was now subjected to interrogation by a fictional character. In fact, it was all too bizarre.

Into The AetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora