"Killer, dear? Ocean is in her room."

"Oh, okay. She needs to do her homework."

Just as I got up to get her, the front door opened. Ocean came in with a friend apparently.

"Hi Mom!"

"Hello!" I greeted the two.

"Mom! I made a new friend!"

"I see that. Hello. I'm Dream, as you can tell, I'm Ocean's mother."

She shook my hand. She has a firm handshake for someone who is probably eight or nine. "My name's Pastel!"

We chatted for a bit than I asked which AU she's from.

"I'm not from an Au."

"Oh? Well then, who are your parents?" I asked her.

"Goth and Palette."

I froze. Palette?

"Mom?" Are you alright?"

"Can you bring your parents? I would like to meet them."

"Okay! Let's get mom and dad, Ocean!"

                 Time skip

There was a knock on the door. I answered it. It was Pastel.

"Hey Pastel! Are your parents coming?"

"Yeah, Ocean is asking them questions, so I got here first." She looked behind her. "Their over there!"

I chuckled. Her parents were jogging to catch up to Ocean. I went to grab Killer.

Just as I got back with him, Pastel's Parents were coming up on the porch, close behind Ocean.

Palette and Goth.

After a few seconds of looking at each other, Goth and Palette Tackle-hugged me.

After we got situated and told the kids, they understood.

"So, basically, we are all family?" Ocean asked.


"WHAT ABOUT A SLEEPOVER!?" Ocean declared. She looked over at me.

"It's fine by me if it is okay with the two of you." I looked at Goth and Palette. They nodded.

"Maybe Moonlight can join?" I heard Pastel and Ocean whisper to each other.

"Who's Moonlight?" Me and Palette asked at the same time.

"Pinch, poke, you owe me a Coke." Palette said immaturely.

"Another friend of ours" Ocean answered.

"Well, maybe if we can meet them and his parents."


"I have Mr. Night's phone number." Pastel said. Palette handed her his phone.

" . . . Hey! I was wondering if Moonlight can have a sleepover! . . . Mom and dad and Ocean's mom and dad wanna meet you! . . . They said that it's okay with them if Moonlight and me and Ocean have a sleepover after they meet you! . . . Okay! I'mma get you guys! Bye-bye!"

She handed the phone back to Palette.

"I'mma go get Mr. Night and Moonlight!"

"Hold up!" Killer said, "We should all go there!"

We agreed and headed out.

                    Nightmare's pov

There was a knock at the door, it was Pastel, Ocean, and . . . Killer?!

"Hey Mr. Night!" Pastel and Ocean said at the same time.

Ocean gestured to Killer. "This is my dad!"

"You started a family, Killer?" I asked.

"Yes I did, Nightmare!"

The others came up. Palette and Goth hugged me. "Heya, Nightmare!" Goth greeted me while Palette hit me up with a " 'sup  Unclemare?"

Dream came up. "Hey, brother." She hugged me.

The kids, including mine, were confused.

Guess we had some introductions to do.

                   Time skip

We agreed to have a sleepover at my place. The kids would be on the living room and the adults would be in different rooms.

"Might as well invite Ink and his fam i he has one."

"I'll call him." Dream said as she pulled out her phone and went throu her contacts.

"Hey Ink! . . . I'm good, how 'bout you? . . . Great . . . Hey, we were thi- . . . Killer and I, Nightmare and Cross, and Goth and Palette, and our children . . . Yeah, anyway, we were thinking about having a sleepover at Nightmare's place . . . He still lives at the mansion . . . And we were thinking that are inviting you and your family- if you have one- to the sleepover. . . . Yeah, okay! See you guys later! Bye!"

"He does have a family and he accepted the invitation."


                  After the introductions

               No one's pov

The kids were all asleep in the living room while the couples were sleeping in separate rooms.

            But will it stay this peaceful?

(Thank you so much for reading my story!  As you can tell, I am planing to make a book 2! Se ya in the next story!)

love goes a long wayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora