He smiled as he faced her again... pat her head before tapping her nose with his finger...

"You look cute when you're worried about me... but as much as I want to see it... I don't want you to get worried... especially when there's nothing to be worried about..."

He felt his intestines tied into knots upon seeing her confused face... gaze landed on her still pouting lips...he bit his lower lip to suppress himself from 'wanting' her early in the morning... realizing that he had some business that he needed to do...

With that, he gave her hand one last squeeze before he stood up from their bed... "I won't be able to attend class today because I still need to fix something at


He said as he walked back to his closet to finish fixing himself...

She could only let out an 'oh'... a bit sad that he won't be with her later... after a while stood up from their bed and went towards her closet to prepare herself as well

for school...

"Oh... before I forgot... mom and dad will be back... dad said they'll be here at dinner..."

Jungkook said as he went out from his closet and wore his coat... and upon hearing it... Rosé's face immediately beamed in happiness... she missed her in-laws just as she missed her parents...


When she turned around Jungkook was already standing in front of her, startling her...

"Yes... so no more hanging out with your friend for a while arasso... go home early..."

She looked at him wonderingly... which earned a light chuckle from her husband... "I'll call you later if I'll be able to go home early and pick you up..."

She was about to tell him that he doesn't need to... Mr. Lee can pick her up instead... but he already beat her to it as he leaned down to peck on her lips...

"I have to go now..." he whispered... all she could do was to nod...

About to turn on to his heels... he found himself stayed rooted before her... and as if he hasn't had enough... he went closer to her... making her to step back and hit her back on one of the cabinets inside her closet... he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her body to his, placing his forehead against hers to make her face him... he watched her for a while... lost in her beauty once again...

"You'll be late for your class now..."

His brown orbs were fixed into watching the curve of her lips... his free hand then reached for it and tapped the soft flesh of her lips with his two fingers... her hands came on both of his sides, holding on to him, burying her fingers on the fabric of his slacks... her breathing slowly became erratic as the beatings of her heart started to quicken...

"They are all waiting for me now..."

He mumbled once again... but between them he's likely the one who don't want to let go the most... his arm tightly wrapped along her waist, keeping her so close...

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