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“Oppa…! I missed you so much…! I haven’t heard from you for a very long time… you didn’t even went to my wedding…”

Her voice trailed off a bit as she said those last words… Mingyu released her from his hug and chuckled a bit as he saw her infamous pout… how he missed that cute expression of her… He then reached for her face and caressed it a bit… which earned a raising eyebrow from her totally ignored husband.

“Rosé-ah… I’m really sorry… I was really busy at work and so… when I got the opportunity to escape… well I quickly went here… I’m sorry…”

He pinched her cheek and so the pout on her lips finally curved into a sweet smile… They continued their ‘moment’ totally oblivious to the man standing not from afar… clenching his fist because of the unexplainable feeling inside him…

And finally their sweet moment of reunion broke as they heard someone clearing his throat… Mingyu and Rosé turned to where the sound came from and saw a blank faced Jungkook slowly walking up to them.

“Mr. Kim… I think this is the first time we got to see each other personally… it’s so nice of you to bother visiting us apart from your busy schedule…”

Still with a raised brow he then half heartedly offered his hand for a handshake… Rosé watched her husband and knew immediately that he does not like Mingyu’s visit… but then Mingyu who’s oblivious to the tension of the other man gratefully accepted his hand… he smiled towards the other man only to earn nothing but a cold expression from Jungkook.

“Just call me Mingyu… well… I really wouldn’t mind ditching my meetings for Rosé…”
He said as he turned to the girl beside him and gave her a playful wink… “And since I have some business to do here in Korea… might as well visit my
favorite sister-in-law…”

He continued… Jungkook isn’t really interested with what he’s talking about… Kim Mingyu looked like a really warm and friendly person but then he can’t make

himself to like him… if he’s just another man from their field of business maybe his impression to him would please him… but then seeing him hugging someone’s wife earlier… and more so ‘his’ wife… making him dislike him that instant.

Jungkook just nodded… turned to his wife and sighed a bit… Rosé swallowed the lump on her throat when their gazes meet… she bowed her head to be able to look away from him…

Jungkook then turned back to Mingyu who’s still can’t notice the unwelcome atmosphere the former has been giving him…

“Then… might as well… spend the night here… it seems like you have many things to catch up with my wife…”

As much as he doesn’t want to offer him his hospitality… by the looks of his wife… it seems like she needed to catch some things with her brother-in-law that badly… looks like she really missed him so much… and not that Jungkook’s concerned about it… he just think it would be a sign of courtesy a human being should give to the other one.

His voice still with a hint of coldness in it but absolutely emphasizing the word ‘wife’ in it… cautious that Mingyu must have forgotten that she’s not only his favorite sister-in-law but mostly she’s Jeon Jungkook’s wife.

Jungkook excused himself when Mingyu accepted his invitation… telling him that he will inform the maids to fix the guest room for him... He looked at his wife one last time before exiting the scene… a part of him wants to stay glued on the ground… not wanting to leave her with another man’s company… but a great part of him dominated… telling him he doesn’t give a sh!t to whoever his so called wife flirt with.

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