Flower crowns

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No ship because it's Tubbo and Tommy
Plot: Tommy and Tubbo have a day out and they go to a flower field.

3rd person
Tommy and Tubbo were walking, Tubbo in front and Tommy in back. Tubbo was humming softly and a bee was on his shoulder. Tommy glanced at Tubbo as they smiled at the other.

Tommy smiled back as they continued to walk. The two have walk for the past hour. Tommy had no ideal where they were going as Tubbo was the one who suggested that they go out.

Tubbo on the other hand was excited as he was the only one who knew where they were going.

A another few minutes past before they got to a field filled with flowers.

Tommy knew how much Tubbo liked flowers, I mean who wouldn't? Tubbo ran ahead with Tommy hot on his trail.

The pair stopped as they were somewhere near the middle of the field. Tubbo couldn't smiling. Tommy smiled as well, he knew that they were going to be there a while.


Maybe it was another hour or so as Tubbo was finished making flower crowns for everyone on the SMP.

For each and every one was different it was because they were color coordinated to each person's favorite color or what they wear.

For example Dream wears a white smiley mask and a green hoodie so Tubbo made a green and white flower crown.

It took the two a hour an half to get back. They each wore their flower crowns.

Tubbo couldn't wait to give everyone their flower crowns.

(Again I didn't know what I was doing so that is why it's short)

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