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No ship again
Plot: Sunny, Meg, Techy, Edgy and Baddie have a sleepover basically.
(Again this is the same au as the previous oneshot ang again sorry if this is a bit ooc)

3rd person
Sunny was humming as he was baking muffins. He smiled to himself. He was going to have a sleepover with him and a few others which that included Techy, Meg, Edgy and Baddie.

Sunny turned his head, after he put the muffin batter in the oven, and looked at Baddie as he entered the kitchen. "Hey Baddie!" Sunny smiled at Baddie. "Hey Sunny" Baddie smiled back.

Baddie walked up to the fridge and got himself a Coke. Sunny, Baddie and Edgy had a few hours before Techy and Meg got there.


Techy and Meg were walking the sleepover. It was around six or seven. Meg did most of the talking for the both of them. Meg was smiling brightly and Techy was smiling softly.

As they approached the op trios door they heard yelling. They could only assume that it was Edgy and Baddie.

Meg walked up to the door and knocked on it. It was a few seconds before it opened. Sunny smiled as he looked at the two. Sunny moved to the side to let the two in.

Meg smiled at Sunny and walked in with Techy following behind him. But they stopped as they saw Baddie being held down with a knife to his neck and Edgy glaring down at him.

Sunny quickly closed the door before he began to sweat, not knowing how to fix the situation. "H-Hey now Edgy we don't want to do anything to hastily..." Edgy glanced at Sunny before glaring back down at Baddie. He sighed before he got up "okay fine..." Baddie rubbed his neck.

Baddie glared at Edgy as the smaller walked off to put the knife away or something.


It was around nine and the five decided to watch a movie. They had to go with Disney because it was late at night and Sunny, Techy and Meg didn't like scary movies, seeing as Edgy and Baddie wanted to watch one.

After a few minutes of deciding with Disney movie to watch they went with The Lion King.

They made snacks to go with the movie. The rest of the night was filled with laughs.

(Sorry if this was short and rushed I just had no ideal what to do for this one.)

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