⌕thank God for cousins

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"Hey, you sure about what you did?" Sou asked, for the millionth time. I just gave him a deadpanned face every time he did, and I am giving it to him once again. Right now, we're walking to the halls to go to the canteen for lunch. Maybe the last lunch I'll ever have with Tetsu. I said we would come back for the first class or second but Daishou decided to bitch around and make me buy random food from the convenience store repeatedly, so here we are at lunch, missing all the three perieds before it.

"Hey, I'm your bestest cousin, you can tell me anything." He tapped my shoulder and smiled at me affectionately. "You're the only cousin I speak to." I told him, with dull eyes and a calm tone. "I helped you so you should at least tell me! Let that be your payment!" I let out a breath, trying to think of the words I should say so he could understand what I was doing and why.

"Kuroo's gonna be the main suspect to the case. I can't handle seeing anyone I know getting blamed for what they didn't do. And they concluded him as a suspect because he's my boyfriend, I'm hoping that i f they saw pictures of him cheating and breaking up with me would erase him entirely off the case. And you know Tetsu would never agree to that idea so I have to do it without his knowledge, because nothing aside from that will work." He grabbed both of my shoulders and made me face him. His face was like, he was finding something. "You're really gonna change the case so Kuroo-san won't be involved??" He asked, annoyed. It felt like, he was trying to find me. Well, at least, the old me. The one who wouldn't bother to do anything for anyone.

"What happened to you?" He asked, letting go of my shoulders gently. I felt one or two drips of tears down my cheeks. My hand immediately went to cover my eyes, hiding them from sight so people wouldn't see the weak, fragile being I became. But it was useless, because more tears came down, it was like a waterfall on each of my cheeks. "Maybe this is me." I started to laugh. A crooked laugh, an ugly weak laugh. "Maybe I was always this naive high school girl who would do things for a boy." My knees collapsed. It was a good thing no one was in the halls. I was on the ground, looking like some grade schooler who just got her lunch taken away. "Maybe I just forgot who I am because I was so busy hiding it." The tears stopped falling and all I could do was laugh. It was a manic sight. A girl who was on the ground, with tear stained cheeks was laughing loudly due to the fact that she couldn't recognize herself anymore. "Does it really matter if you're a naive high school girl?" Sou kneeled in front of me. He removed my hand from covering my eyes. "You're a fucking strong, naive high school girl y/n." He smiled at me. "And you beat all the other naive high school girls in movies, books, dramas, hell, dare I say, anime." He chuckled. I couldn't help but hug him. "I'm sorry I told Mika-chan you picked your nose and ate it!!" I wailed, tightening the embrace. He chocked at what I said and I started to laugh. 

"Okay c'mon you can't hug me right now, in the hallway, and after that revelation. Let's go and have your last day with Kuroo-san as your boyfriend." He said as he patted my back, urging me to let go. "Where's Lev and Shibayama by the way?" I asked, moving my head left and right, trying to find the Russian giant. "Oh, he said they were in the cafeteria with the team already. He already bought us lunch. Well he bought mine, Kuroo-san bought yours." He explained as we started to make our way to the cafeteria. I nodded and sighed. The idea of our relationship ending, finally sinking into my brain. I don't even know how and what to tell him.

We entered the canteen and I immediately saw Tetsu's face, it was like he was waiting for me to come through the doors, but what was new was that he didn't look too excited to see me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, sitting down beside him. I tried to kiss his cheek but he turned away. Great, it's our last day and yet he doesn't wanna be with me, well, not that he knows it's the last. "Is something wrong?" I asked, trying to see if he was angry at me or just in a bad mood, not that he would react like that when he's in a bad mood. "Are you trying to get back with Daishou?" He asked. I started wheezing at the thought. His eyes were narrowed into slits at my reaction. I even forgot Daishou ever becoming a part of my life. It was like 7 years ago when that catastrophe happened. I was only trying to annoy Mika since she was being a whiny bitch about Daishou liking her. "No. What the fuck Kuroo?" I asked in between laughs, now clutching on my stomach because it hurt. "Then why did you go to Nohebi?" My laughter immediately stopped and the pain in my stomach was already forgotten upon the realization that Tetsu knew where I went. Me and everyone a the table froze at his question. "How did you know about that?" I asked, my head whipped to his direction instantly, nervous and stressed on what to answer. "I asked first." His face remained stoic as he looked at me with eyes that were ready to kill, and I hope, metaphorically.

𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 ; 鉄朗Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum