⌕a precious pet

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"Dad?" You softly called out as you woke up. "What the hell happened?" You asked groggily, sitting up. You looked at your bedside and saw a familiar bed head. His head was lying in his arms, sleeping beside you. Oh, maybe he came back to the field for you. You didn't want to bother his slumber since he's the one who took you home. You took a look at your surroundings and realized that this wasn't your house. It wasn't Kuroo's either. 

"Kuroo." You poked his head, trying to wake him up. "Kuroo Tetsurou!" You called a little louder and poked him harder. That seemed to do the trick as you saw his body sat up erect. "Where are we?" You looked around once more, and so did he. "One of my dad's houses." He answered casually. Your face winced at his answer. "Where? Why?" You sat up. "It's safer here." His answer didn't register properly in your brain. You were about to hold your head in your hands but, you realized you were restrained. You were chained to the bed. Not just your wrists were bound, but also your neck. "Kuroo, what the hell?" He stood up from his spot. He just smirked as he saw you struggling because of the restraints. "You always liked to call me Tetsu, why is it Kuroo now?" His face leaned towards yours. You were gonna slap him across the face but you couldn't. He chuckled at your actions. "You're smart y/n, you know that's not gonna work." His nose scrunched up as he smiled at you. "Where's my dad? He was here, right?" You did as he said and stopped trying to get out of the collar and cuffs. Kuroo was unfortunately smart, removing all the clips in your hair before you woke up. "He left." He said bluntly. "Where did he go?" You settled yourself on the bed. "I'll tell you later."  He started walking to the door. "Wait! Where are you going? Don't leave me here! Where is Mika, even???" You called out, sitting straight back up again. Kuroo turned to you and laughed softly. "We're in Yokohama y/n. I'm gonna get food for you, can't have an IV bag for life right?" He pointed at the IV next to you. It was funny how you didn't notice it. It was like your hands were numb from the cuffs. "Oh and, Mika-chan and I broke up. I'll tell you about it later." He sent you a wink before leaving the room. 

Being left in the room gave you some time to think what was going on. You collapsed in you old school's field, You didn't know who found you but you were in Kuroo's house when you barely woke up. You think it's the same because it's the same background color when you first awoke. Your dad was with you at that time, and then you fell back to sleep and your dad's gone but Kuroo was the one beside your bed. You were wearing an IV bag so you're guessing you've been out for a day or so. You were wondering why your dad agreed to Kuroo taking you to Yokohama. Kuroo said it was safer, why? If your dad agreed for Kuroo to take you, did that mean he wasn't the murderer. You looked up in wonder. Your eyes landed on the IV bag once again, it wasn't just an IV bag, it was a banana bag, the one used for drunk or intoxicated people. You didn't drink that day, you don't drink. And if you were intoxicated, why? If your dad told you to go with Kuroo, you would've, why would they need you to be unconscious? Kuroo couldn't have done something illegal because your dad was by your bedside earlier, so he knew about this. What were they keeping from you? 

"Y/n! Honey!" Your head snapped towards the direction of the door. Kuroo's dad entering the room made the hair on your neck erect. "Mr.Kuroo! Thank you for letting me stay here, but may I ask why am I here in the first place?" You asked while he was coming near you, sitting on the chair beside your bed. "Call me dad. And Tetsurou should be the one telling you that. Did he not?" His face cringed as he looked at you. "He just said it was safer here." You looked down on your chained wrists, recalling Kuroo telling you those words. "Why am I chained anyway?" You didn't look up to him, your eyes stayed at the bracelets bounding your wrists from movement, afraid that you'll glare at him once you do so. "Well Tetsurou was afraid you would go 'batshit crazy' and even try to kill him, so he did this. And he added that you were pretty in chains." You felt him pat your head lovingly, just like how your dad would sometimes. "He-Oh." Your eyes glanced to the door, seeing Kuroo with a plastic bag in both of his hands. "I'll leave you two. We won't hurt you y/n. As the big guy said," His thumb pointed at Kuroo's direction. "it's safer here." He gave you a sympathetic smile before walking out.

"How is it safer here?" You asked just as soon as his dad walked out, He was making his way to replace his dad in sitting beside you. "We'll give you everything you need here." He attempted to caress your face but you moved away, causing him to let out a small chuckle. " What do you mean by that? I have everything I need back in Nerima! Why would I need to be here???" He was discarding the food he bought from the plastic bags one by one. "Well, I'm here." He looked at you in the eye. There were softness in his, sincere ones. "I need my dad." You looked back again to your lap, not wanting to face his soft, caring eyes. "y/n, hun, you don't want to know where your dad is at this moment. Believe me." You felt his hand on your back, rubbing it lovingly. Your heart thumped quickly at what he said. You didn't know what it meant, but you knew it was no good. "What do you mean?" His finger started tracing circles on your back. "He just did what he did for you." Your heart felt like it was about to explode by how it was beating. What the hell happened while you were out? "Kuroo, tell me, what the hell happened?" You looked at him in the eye. You almost flinched how his soft, loving eyes turned to cold, sharp ones in a short amount of time. "You don't need to know." His voice was stern, commanding. "Tetsu, please." Maybe it'll work if you used his first name? If you pleaded just a bit softer? That's what you thought at least. "y/n, I'll tell you when I know you can accept it, okay? If I tell you now, you'll either go apeshit crazy or you'll have the biggest breakdown of the year? Hm?" He removed his hand from your back and used the same hand to tuck a finger under your chin, his thumb on your bottom lip.

You looked down again, disappointed, causing his finger to part from your chin. "That's more reason for me to know." He sighed at your reply, not satisfied by the way you reciprocate the care he's showing.  "Just know that I promised your dad that you'll be with us until you're capable to be by yourself. I promised him that you'll never go back there." You didn't understand why you needed to stay with the Kuroo's until you're capable, but you just nodded, eager to know why you needed to in the first place. "He took the blame y/n." Your eyes shot open. In an instant, tears started streaming down your face. "For what?" You acted dumb, hoping that what you were thinking wasn't the case. Your head slowly turned to him. When Kuroo saw your face, he immediately stood up and embraced you, wanting to comfort you in any way. "I'm sorry hun. That was the only way we could think of." His embraced got tighter with every second that passed. You hugged him back, you hands gripping on his shirt as tight as he was hugging you. "W-what do you mean the only way??? Why would h-he do that?!" You wailed on his chest. You weren't sure if you were ready for whatever answer he would give, but your sanity could be ruined if you didn't know. "You're not ready for those details yet baby." His grip of you loosened. He started petting your hair softly, treating you like a precious pet. "T-tetsu, y-you need to tell me!" You tugged on his shirt as hard as you could. You repeated the words again and again until he sat beside you on the bed, placing his forehead on yours while wiping your tears that just continued spilling. You sounded like you were only babbling nonsense, but you knew Kuroo understood as he started cooing at you and nodding his head. "Alright, alright baby. Shhh. I'll tell you. Let's just calm down for a bit, hm?" He detached his forehead from yours and placed yours on his chest, letting you let out your soft sobs on his tear-stained shirt.

"You okay there baby?" You shook you head 'no' as you snuggled up more in his chest. "I'll tell you okay? And I promise, I'll help you with it." You nodded, swallowing a big lump on your throat. "Do you remember when many guys were killed by our janitor in middle school?" His voiced hardened, like it was some memory he dreaded to remember. You nodded slowly, not understanding the connection of that incident to this. "It wasn't the janitor who killed those guys." You looked up to him, examining his face. His expression was stoic while looking at the wall in front. "W-who?" You asked meekly. His gazed went down to yours. His eyes softened, not with love, but with pity. 



sorry i didn't update for i don't know how long. gosh, i'm not even finished with my answer sheet in math. anywayyyy, thanks for reading!! hope you liked it! and i hope you're waiting for the next update bcs i'm waiting for the free time where i can write it. love ya'll!<3

𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 ; 鉄朗Where stories live. Discover now