⌕like a squealing pig

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As we arrived at the house, the forensics and my dad's team was already there. They were already wearing their protective wear and was just waiting for us. It was a one story house. It was old but still looked presentable, on the outside.

Mr. Harada and I got outside of the car and went to where they were quickly. "He's a mailman yet he has his own house here? He just moved in months ago, though. He doesn't even have any other job and his family is unreachable." The chief questioned as we started wearing the jumpsuits. "Drug dealing?" I suggested. "Then we're about to know." The forensic said, and we all nodded.

As soon as we finished getting dressed, we went inside. The place still had the blood stains that were visible from. the dim moonlight. The scene showed the man's resistance to get killed or even be dominated by the killer, shattered glass here and there, then there were other stuff just laying on the floor. The chief opened the lights and we started searching. "So Red was using gloves right?" Mr. Harada asked. "Well there was no fingerprints, so yeah." A forensic replied. "Who's Red?" The chief asked, looking around to face Mr. Harada. "They call the criminal Red because he wore red track pants and a red hoodie." The chief nodded and continued to snoop. "So do you think it has any meaning? Or he just loves red?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen. Mr. Harada just shrugged, also wondering why the criminal wore red.

"Mr. Harada! Chief!" I called them when I laid my eyes on the couch. It had multiple scratches, fur and dirty paw prints. "So he did have a dog." Mr. Harada said as he stood beside me. "How'd you both know he had a dog? Where is it?" The chief asked, standing on my other side. "He had fur on his pants when the pathologist gave us his clothes. It's in his car by the way." I pointed at Mr. Harada and he nodded as a confirmation. "And we don't know where it is. Worst case scenario is he's with his owner." We sighed. The chief was the first to walk away from the couch, he patted mine and Mr. Harada's shoulder before doing so. I was the second. He looked at me before I went to the kitchen and we gave each other a small smile.

"Uhm, I think the mailman and his murderer had a tea party." The chief and the others started walking into the kitchen. I walked towards the table and observed. "Our killer's an ambidexter." I said as I crouched down to eye the teacup. "You know that you can just take the teacup and then eye it right?" The chief scoffed, walking towards me and attempting to grab the cup. But I halted his hand. "It's more cool not touching. Look at it without changing its position." I said, pointing at the cup. He just looked at me for a second and started staring at the cup. "Oh." He and Mr. Harada said in unison. I smiled at them, satisfied that they understood my point. "Why do you think he's ambidextrous? There's no proof that he used his right hand. " The chief pointed out. Mr. Harada and I looked at each other, I nudged my chin towards his direction to indicate that he should be the one to say it. I just continued to sniff and check the table. "The tea cup is placed at the left side and so is it's handle, but the victim experienced strangulation which the right side was more bruised." The chief cringed. "He was strangled?" Mr. Harada nodded. "So was he dead after it or not?" I took the victim's half finished cup in my hands and started sniffing. "We're just in the dark about that since they're still doing the autopsy sir." Mr. Harada explained and the chief just nodded. They turned their heads to me, furiously trying to smell the cup like a perverted old man inhaling a girl's undergarments. "Uhm, y/n-chan?" Mr. Harada called out, looking concerned. I looked at him and saw that his face was like weirded out with pity, maybe he thinks I'm desperate to find verifications. Well he isn't wrong, it's my dad's life at stake and it's been months since the last time I've been in an actual crime scene. "Oh, the two cups differ in odor, this one's sweeter. But not the sugar-type of sweet. Can you please take it to the labs?" I asked and stretched my hand with the teacup to the forensics. They took it and also took the killer's. "Can't he just have a secret ingredient or something?" The chief asked. I just shrugged, "Better safe than sorry. And if it turns out that it was just something like that, then we'll know that he knew the killer for a long time." I said and he just looked away. I pouted and continued to the sink. "Uhm, y/n-chan, how did you know that the one that had the tea cup on the left was the killer's?" One of my dad's colleagues asked. I looked at him and pointed at the two chairs. "The chair at the killer's side is still standing, while the other one is on the ground." I looked at the table and imagined the scenarios that could've played out. "If there was some spike in his drink he could've collapsed so the chair fell down with him. But if there wasn't, they could've had a disagreement and he and his chair was on the ground by the killer." I said and she nodded. "But couldn't the victim got angry and threatened the killer and made him fall down?" She asked. "We'll know once we get the results from the labs and autopsy." I said and smiled to her. She nodded and continued to find for evidence.

𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 ; 鉄朗Where stories live. Discover now