⌕what is it with men and pajamas?

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"Y/N!! WHAT THE HELL? IT'S ONE IN THE AFTERNOON! ATLEAST TALK TO ME?! AND YOU'RE IN YOUR PAJAMAS AT THIS TIME OF DAY?" Sou barged in the room. I was lying on the bed. I faced away from him, not wanting to give or receive attention. I didn't sleep all night so I'm really freaking tired, I'm even amazed by how I could still bathe myself.

"I called Lev and Kuroo. I told them what happened." His voice was getting closer. As I heard Tetsu's name, I sat straight up and glared at Sou. "Invite Lev but not Kuroo." His brows were raised in surprise. "Did you guys broke up?" He sat quickly next to me and started to rub my back in circles. "No!" I looked at him. "Well did you two have a fight?" I placed my head on my palms and groaned. "No." The rubbing on my back stopped. "Then what happened?" I sat straight up again and looked at him. Tears started falling.

"WHAT HAPPENED?? Oh why are you in your pajamas?" Lev came in. He rushed right next to me and his hand also went to be placed my back. "Tell Kuroo that he shouldn't come here right now and I'll tell you both." I said while wiping my tears. "Okay." Sou took his phone from his pocket and started typing. When he was done, he held the phone in front of my face for me to see what he typed. It was him texting Kuroo to not come and that I'm upset with him. "Now will you tell us?" Lev urged. I looked up at him and nodded.

"I think Kuroo's the murderer." I said meekly but still audible. They started hysterically laughing and patting my back rather roughly. "We're in highschool y/n, that isn't funny anymore." Lev said through the laughter. "What's funny is that your sense of humor is trash." Sou added and they started laughing more. "I gave him a red hoodie that had a strawberry on the hood. I saw it when we were reviewing the tapes. The one on the tapes also wore everything red, and he always wears red. He's ambidextrous, and so is the murderer, I think. We found a dog in the house that was named after me and Kuroo just said that he gave me a dog as his idea of a "gift"." I said lifelessly, staring across the room. They looked at each other and gulped hard." Shouldn't we tell your dad?" Lev suggested. I scoffed at the idea." Yeah, okay. Let's tell my dad that I sneaked inside the house at night, sweaty and panting because I ran as fast as I could so I wouldn't be near my boyfriend, who, by the way, could possibly be the one that framed him for murder. Yeah Lev, ok. Let's tell him that then!" Lev flinched at the sarcasm." Sorry." I muttered, massaging my forehead with my thumb and index finger." Look y/n, he doesn't have a motive. And they're examining the paper right now, and the other things you guys found. So check your phone because Mr. Harada was bugging your dad all morning about the results." I nodded and started to calm down.

I stood up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. It was full of missed calls and messages from Mr. Harada when I opened it. "Well I'm gonna go now and try to prove to myself that my boyfriend is not a crazy killer." I grabbed my wallet and started tying my hair. "You're in your pajamas! Can't you change?" Sou gestured at my clothes. I went in front of the mirror and looked at myself up and down. "I'm practically accusing my lovely and hot boyfriend for murder, I think I have the rights to look like this in public." I faced them and they just sighed. "Be safe y/n-chan." I nodded and gave them a brief smile "Thanks for the comfort and everything." I waved as I walked out.

"Can you tell me why you suddenly became a rock this morning and why Kuroo's been asking me how you are? Even Harada said you were MIA." My dad asked as he saw me walking down the stairs. He was sat on the couch watching local news. "I had to remove feces that was stored my stomach so I freaked out and went home so I can remove it here, and I didn't and still don't know how to tell him." I rubbed the back of my neck, faking to be shy. My dad started laughing at the well constructed lie I just said. As good as I was being an investigator, I think I could be just as good as being a criminal." Well, I'm heading out to meet Mr. Harada at the labs." His head quickly turned to me. His eyes examined my attire. "In your pajamas?" He cringed. "I have the rights!" I exclaimed. He started to chuckle. "And besides, I texted Mr. Harada to pick me up." He nodded and waved to me. "Be safe." I quickly said thank you and went outside. Mr. Harada's car was parked in front. His window was down and he cringed as soon as he saw me. I walked towards the passenger seat and huffed once I entered the car. He was about to say something but I raised my hand to his face. "I have the rights." I said sternly. He chuckled and started to drive away.

𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 ; 鉄朗Where stories live. Discover now