Last Feather

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When your mind becomes numb, you wonder if it is too late to change the game.

Is the current too strong to steer away and decide to go upstream?
Is it too easy to just go limp and let the current take you as it is as easy to decide otherwise?
Does the mind play tricks or is it the endless noise outside that drowns out our head space, making our choices more paralyzed, dormant, and content?
Perhaps it is all of the above.
Have we forgotten how to dream; what it takes and what it gives?
Have we forgotten pain, and in turn happiness?
Were we too afraid to fly for fear of the sun?
Have we become so dormant that our wings no longer have feathers?
Did fear steer our course, blind us from our own potential?

When your mind goes numb, and you wonder if it's too late to change the game?

Take your blindfold off, look closely. You haven't lost your feathers. Stretch out your weary wings and fly for once. Let your eyes glisten at the sight of the horizon. Feel the warmth of the light graze against your hardened skin. Fly and be not afraid.

There is no where else to go but up. Fly! Ignite your mind, embellish your soul, let every cell in your body soar.

Fly! Go against the grain and feel again. Fly and touch the sun ever so lightly and live in it's blaze of life.

Do not allow yourself to go numb. Do not wonder if it is too late. Do not let the noise overwhelm your desires, your mind. Fly through the blazing rays, through the unknown shadows, through and against the harsh winds. Fly.

Until your last feather falls, fly!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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