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Losing data...
It hurts like a b... balloon being pierced with the shear power of the instantaneous decision of a needle, controlled by an evil force of stupidity.
I should have saved!
That... That balloon! I worked on that for.. for how long? A minute? A day? It doesn't matter! It still hurts the same! The little difference I make I might not do it the same the second time! Every balloon, no matter what size, counts. And no matter what, when that needle of evil decides to arrg do whatever it always does, and destroys that balloon I worked on, it hurts so much!
Just, pop! And it's gone! Un re tri ve a ble!
Aaaarrrgggggaahhhh! The PAAIN!
No one likes it, I know I don't!
Why?! What cruel world has decided to just destroy my soul every single time I work so hard, everytime ! ?
Now the amount of saving I have to do is insurmountable. It's like I am saving the world when I have no time to! Does every single person have to be saved now? Yeeeeeesss. Well, can't I save them all at once? Noooo.
Because that little needle over there, yea you see it? It decides when and how much it wants to take from you and saving is the only way to avoid it. Yup. That's right.
Save every person. Because you never know when there gonna die, dissipate, destruct, disappear, out of your grasp forever. So. Save. Save now, because that balloon is your heart and soul!
I know. I know. Dramatic. I know. But it hurts every. Single. Time.  :(

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