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Life is fleeting. Days go by and we say we're living. Live a life full and bright. Full of achievements and failures and the tid bits life offers. In the end, I could say, your life all surmounted to a great purpose and of life value as a full fledged human being. You have lived a life of ups and downs and loopty loops and you've grown all the better for it. You have learned to the fullest, given to your future generations whatever you can leave to them, money, fame, a huge estate, a helicopter, family, maybe even your undying love thereafter. You have lived a full life with no regrets because your decisions made you who you are. Your decisions matter. You have made a difference, and no one can tell you otherwise. Or... I could say we are all going to the same place. We're all living to go to the ultimate end that is guaranteed, and it goes by the name of death. You can count on it. You can avoid it for a long while. You can fear it. You can look it in the eyes and say bring it on. You can stare at it in the face as it passes you by and there's nothing you can do to those it visits. You can over look it and put things on a bucket list because you believe that list will get shorter, but it never does. Your decisions didn't matter after all because it's there and it decides when and where, and why not, even how. You can't choose "how" now can you? Even for those who understand that life is really daily dying and decide to bend deaths hand to become theirs, it is really death fooling them to think they really had any choice in the first place. They fell for it and it wasn't their fault. Maybe it was those around them that let him be a fool. Maybe they didn't give the right thing, a thing called "love" I think, so that death wouldn't fool them so easily. We all know him. We all see him. We see him every day. Before we go to bed, put on our makeup, go the the doctors, wind our clocks, and when we wake up even. Life is fleeting... because life has a second name, and it goes by the name death.

Wow that was really dark. Don't take me the wrong way. I don't think everything is pointless and that my decisions don't matter. They do. Life is fleeting and you should live it to the fullest, really. Matter of fact I believe that death it not an ending, but a new beginning. That was interesting to write:) enjoy!

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