Chapter 10

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Drew looked at me and said, "A masked man came in and started yelling and screaming then said that he was going to kill Sara and he better to do what he wanted then he said he would kill me if I didn't tell him, I told hi-" he passed out again. I looked at Sara who seemed as though sh was now more concerned than I was. "Help me get him in the car," I said to Sara. We both eventually got him in the car, luckily I had paper towels so I gave them to Sara to hold it on Drew's head. I rushed as fast as I could, we finally got to the hospital and Sara was holding him up on one side and I helped him up on the other side, when we got the I yelled "we need help" the nurse looked at us and gave us a snobby look till she saw blood on our hands then she ran and got other people who came with a gurney and put him on it. They then told us to wait in the waiting room. When we sat in the waiting room Sara started crying and rubbing her face, "it is all my fault!!! My fault!!! I'm the reason Drew got hurt! I don't want to be around if I'm just hurting him!" She cried. " don't say that it's not your fault!!!" I shouted. " you heard what he said!!!" She said now shouting back at me. I lowered my voice to avoid causing a scene and said, "he loves u. It is not your fault" and before she could yell out in protest I hugged he to console her. She seemed to calm down and she ended up falling asleep with her head on my lap and I sat my hand on her head, waiting patiently. Many minutes passed, minutes turned into hours, many of those hours passed till someone finally came out to talk to us, it was the doctor, he approached us and said, "thank you for waiting so long ladies, we have been doing all we could, he had a bit of brain damage. He might not remember some things but he will remember most everything, I do suggest you drive him home. He will be okay, and he will be ready to go home tomorrow morning. You can sleep here in his room or you can go home and pick him up tomorrow. Your choice. I will leave you, ladies, to decide what you want to do." Then he walked away. Sara and I looked at each other, we both were thinking the same thing. "you don't mind skipping school tomorrow do you?" I asked. "Pfft no! Plus I should be here, it is my fault." I gave up trying to fight her about that. We made our way to the front desk and asked what room he was in and the lady told us, and we made our way to the room and we found it and walked in. He saw us as we walked in and smiled and said, "well hey, there are my beautiful girls" I find him so amazing that he can still smile after what happened. "Come here Sara", he said. She was still upset but she did, when she did, he grabbed her and hugged her then kissed her head. "I love you like my own daughter," he said. Sara then started crying burying her head in his chest and squeezing him. She finally let go and stopped crying eventually, when she did the nurses decided to bring us some blankets and pillows and a couple chairs to sleep in since we were going to be staying the night. Sara and I both fell asleep around eleven at night. While we were sleeping I woke up and found myself somewhere I didn't recognize but I called out to see if I could find anybody then to my right I heard screams of a male voice, then I jumped looked to my right and there were trees while to my left was a small abandoned town, it was dark and foggy with a full moon. I ran through the trees towards the screams when I got close the screaming stopped and I heard wheezing watery sounding breathing I then followed that sound when I felt like I was getting almost on top of it something wet grabbed my leg I looked down and I saw a body covered in blood I saw nothing but blood and eyes I could make out he had hands when I looked down both his legs were gone. I screamed and woke up and jolted in a sweat. I stood up and went to the bathroom and turn on the light in there and shut the door. I leaned over and turned on the faucet and put my hands under the water and rubbed my face and looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot. "I need some sleep," I said aloud to myself as I turned off the water and the light while I was leaving. I shut the door as quiet as possible. I went back to my chair and sat down and covered up snuggled up in the chair and went back to sleep that time I stayed asleep. I was happy that I got to sleep for longer than I normally do, I slept till about noon. The others were awake but they let me sleep in. It was relaxing. When I did wake up I saw something which, in my opinion, was cute and adorable! It brought a smile to my face regardless of what had happened last night.

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