Chapter 3

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After the weekend ended, she got dressed and I drove her to school. When I drove her to school immediately I kissed her forehead and told her to have a good day then I went to work at my restaurant. I worked for about five hours just checking on staff, they seemed to have things handled at that point so went home. I went home waiting til Sara got off from school in three hours which seemed like forever, I was eager to pick her up and hear about her day and how it was and if she made any new friends. To pass the time I turned on the T.V. I changed it to the news and I saw a "breaking news alert" a man came into the school and starting shooting, I listened longer, it was Sara's school! I immediately got in my car and took off like a bat out of hell. Once I got to the school there were police officers and police tape and ambulances everywhere I couldn't believe my eyes! I tried to go in to see my sister but the officers wouldn't let me, no matter how much I pleaded and begged them, then I heard a voice that sounded all too familiar, it was a man, I heard him say, "it's okay, let her through men.", it was Drew! He came over to me and lifted up the police tape for me, I walked under, then I grabbed his arm and asked him, "where is she?!?!? Is she okay?!?!? Will you take me to her?!?!?" He looked at me and calmly said, "I have good news and bad news" My eyes widened and I looked him, scared. He then said, "the bad news is she was shot. The good news is she got shot in the arm and she will be OK" just then I dropped to my knees and l leaned back and sighed a huge sigh of relief. Drew then chuckled a little then outstretched his arm and I took his hand and he helped me up. "would you like to s-",he said before I interrupted and said "YES! Take me to her!!!" He smiled, shook his head and rubbed his head, "ok come on over here pretty little lady, she's sitting in the back of that ambulance over there", then he pointed and I saw her and she was bandaged up and she was holding her left arm looking down at her feet swinging them back and forth. As soon as I seen her a sense of excitement and relief overwhelmed me and I couldn't help but yell out her name and run to her as fast as I could and hugged her, I never wanted to let go of her. When I did I sure as hell didn't leave her side. Then Drew came over and said, "Well, the shooter is still at large." I looked at him and said, "he needs to be caught!", he nodded in agreement then his face brightened a little it seemed as though he got a bit of courage, then he asked if we could come to dinner at his house tonight, then I understood the glimmer of courage that looked like hit him all of a sudden. I looked at Sara, "what do you think? Up for it?" I asked Sara, then she nodded. "ok great! so you'll be there?", Drew said as his voice lightened and his face lit up. Drew left afterward another police officer came over and looked at Sara and I and he said, in a thick southern accent, "ok ma'am, you'll are free to go home if you would like. remember to lock your doors, that crazy son of a bitch is out there! Damn near killed a few children! So keep that in mind!" then he turned and walked off saying, "bye yall ladies have a nice day ya hear?" I then got up and yelled back to the officer as he was walking away, "Thank you, sir!", then Sara and I got up and left. When We took off for home Sara said she needed a long restful, peaceful bath after the kind of day she has had. I agreed, she needed that, she deserved that. I ran her a warm bath and I helped her get her shirt over her arm without hurting her. Then I left her so she could take her bath. Once she got done I yelled to her from the living room to get ready to go to Drew's house for dinner. I, on the other hand, was already ready to go I was just waiting for her, she surprisingly took only about ten minutes. Once she came out I got up and turned off the television and we left. Twenty minutes later we arrived at Drew's house, it was a two-story house, a gorgeous one at that. Then after basking in the glory of that old, gorgeous, beautiful, victorian home, Sara and I walked up onto the porch and just before I could knock he opened the door as if he was watching for us. Drew looked delighted and he hugged me and said, "I'm glad to see you guys! Oh and by the way Michelle, you look beautiful tonight." he said as he approached my and kissed my hand, "thank you drew" I said, quite flattered, to say the least. "Dinner is ready if you guys would like to dig in now" ,he said "I made it myself" he then stood proudly as I smiled a little thinking he was sort of cute. All of us them made our way to the kitchen with Drew leading the way. When we all were sitting I looked at the food on the table, it was impressive, a man who could cook, he made steak, mashed potatoes, brownies, peas, green beans, and glasses full of drinks. "Impressive!" ,I said "not of impressive as you look," he said with a tiny grin. When I looked at him he looked down and blushed, I found out, he might have been corny, but it was still cute. Then we ate after our meal Drew, Sara, and I was sitting, talking, and haveing a good time. Then there were three loud bangs on his front door, all three of us jumped out of our seats and Drew got up and put his hand on his gun in his pocket, and he cautiously made his way to the front door. Drew opened it and a man burst in with a gun yelling threating to kill us. Then Sara yelled, "that's the guy who shot me!" then there was some sort of explosion inside of Drew, you could just tell because after she said that he tackled the man and beat his ass into the ground, once he did so he shot the man in the leg and handcuffed him and called his fellow officers. They came and picked him up and then Drew turned to us and ran to us and hugged us both. After awhile and a few exchanges Sara and I headed home, another twenty minutes home. The end to another exciting day, Sara and I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring. When we got home we both got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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