Chapter 9

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I woke up, it was noon and Sara was awake. She was in the living room writing in her journal very intently till I came in then she grabbed it and buried it in her stomach I then looked at her and said, "don't worry I won't read it unless you want me to". "I know you just scared the hell out of me." , She said. I didn't believe her, considering she was still tensed up and gripping the journal. I didn't really think much of it but I knew I had to tell her about what Drew said last night. So I took a deep breath and sat next to next her as I placed my hand gently on her knee. I looked at her and said, "don't freak out about what I'm going to tell you." She leaned forward, she seemed intrigued as well as curious" then I was starting questioning whether I should tell her or not. That didn't last long because then my phone rang, I looked at it, it was Drew, I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "I talked to the judge, I got him to pull some strings and get you more time before the court date. I suggest you get her to the therapist as soon as possible. If she resists and doesn't want to go, just call me back and I will come over and convince her to go and I'll take her myself." He said. "That sounds great! How much time do I have now?" I asked. "About a month," he said, with a nonchalant tone in his voice as well as a confident tone. "How the hell did you pull that off?!?" I asked. He chuckled then and said "don't doubt my abilities" I could tell he smirked then I said, "ok I'll let you go and I'll talk to Sara"ok bye beautiful," he said. "Bye," I said. I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket then I turned and looked at Sara. "Who was that?" She asked. I looked at her and turned toward her and took a deep breath again. "You have a court date in a month and you have to testify against mom and dad. The catch is you have to go see a therapist till then so you don't have a mental breakdown in court like you did at school." . She teared up a bit and said, "w-w-will Drew be there?" "you know, I don't know. He never really said. I can call him and ask if you like." I said. she then nodded in agreement. so I got my phone out and dialed his speed dial number, five, and I called, it rang and rang and rang, no answer. I had a gut feeling something must have happened. So I drove to his house, true a long way out of my way for something I'm not even one hundred percent sure of, but I went with my gut. As I approached the porch a heard the shattering of glass, which sounded like it must have come from the other side of the house. I barged in the front door and looked around frantically for Drew, then I saw him, laying on the floor, motionless, I rushed over hoping he was not dead. I approached his, what seemed like lifeless body and I knelt down by his side and place a gentle hand on his face, stroking his face in a sense. I held his hand, tears filled my eyes when I saw blood coming from his head. "Drew! Drew?!?!? DREW!!!!!" I yelled, no response or mutter or moan, just the silence, this silence was a taunting silence as if humanity wanted me to suffer. "GOD DAMNIT DREW WAKE UP!!!!!" Then just when I thought all hope was lost, he squeezed my hand and he made a noise like he was straining to do or say something. I leaned forward, listening. all was silent in the room. He then turned his head, he struggled to the he saw me and smiled. I, of course, smiled back although I was still crying over me thinking I had lost him. He took wheezing breaths, it was about five to ten minutes before he could even speak. When he did get his voice back, he told me everything! He told me something I couldn't believe! It touched my heart. So much that I cried again.

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