Chapter 12

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When Sara, Drew, and I arrived at his house it was late so I decided to stay with Drew for the night. So Sara and I helped Drew into the house and put him to bed. Afterward, I called Sara's school and told them she was sick and she wouldn't be there, then I hung up. Sara and I made our way to the spare bedroom and shared a bed and we went to sleep. Later I was awoken by Sara pulling and yanking the collar of my shirt, strangling me, screaming, she was screaming "no no no I won't hurt me anymore! I will kill you so you can't kill me!!! Die! die already!!!!" I started to have lost of breath I was almost certain she was going to kill me till I ducked my head down in my shirt and slipped out and I pinned her down and shook her trying to wake her but she just got louder so I tried to muffle her screams with my hand so she didn't wake Drew. She lifted up and took one big deep raspy breath and fell back down and started shaking violently, she was having a seizure! There was Goan coming from her mouth then her eyes started rolling to the back, I didn't know what else to do so I just held her close and squeezed her. Eventually, she stopped and she was cold. I pressed my ear against her chest I heard a faint heart beat, beating very slow in a constant pattern, I took a deep breath, a sigh of relief. I covered her back up again and just watched her as I put my shirt back on, after so long of watching her sleep I myself fell asleep as well. I woke up and looked at Sara, she was still asleep. I got up and decided to make breakfast for Drew and Sara. I went to the kitchen and I made scrambled eggs and bacon with orange juice and set the table, about when I got done Drew came out and rubbed his eyes and yawned. "what are you doing?" He asked. "making you and Sara some breakfast, hope you don't mind," I said with a smile upon my face. "not at all, gorgeous, thank you! Is Sara up yet?" Before I could respond Sara walked in and stretched. I looked at Drew and nodded , "yes" I said and smiled. he started to chuckle a bit a shook his head. " What?" ,Said Sara. "Nothing," I said with a smile on my face. "want some breakfast, Sara? " I asked her. She nodded, so she sat down. once she sat down I took Drew and Sara's plates and put the eggs and bacon on the plate and sat the plates in front of them. I grabbed my plate and put it in front of my chair. I then placed the pitcher of orange juice on the table. I sat down and all of us are together, we were all laughing and having a great time we were all joking around and it was all just a good time. Then while we were talking over this breakfast, Drew got really serious all of a sudden and he said, "so guys, serious not here, I think my house is haunted. I also think your house is haunted too" he placed his hand on top of mine and looked down. "what do you mean?" , Sara asked "well, I get this feeling someone is following me, and I woke up last night and saw a shadow staring at me while I slept. I saw that same shadow at your house, always around Sara" he replied, then looking at Sara, concerned. Sara got up and ran out of the room and I chased her and she fell and I caught her and I got on my knees face to face with her and I grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes and said, "is there anything you have to say to me?". She looked at me and shook her head as to be already set that she wasn't going to tell me. "does it have something to do with the satanist thing? The voices you were hearing? The demons? This could be fatal and or dangerous for us, you, Drew and myself. You have to tell me what's going on!" I asked. Sara looked at me with tears streaming down her face but she still said nothing she just looked back down and he knees and she folded with her chin resting on her knees, crying, her breaths became more choppy and heavy. She was crying hard. Drew came in to see what was happening. "what's going on?" He asked. I shrugged as to show him I hadn't been able to figure it out yet. We were both puzzled and didn't know what to do or say, we just looked at her. We both have never felt so helpless. all we could do was try to calm her down. That's all we could do.

Poor SaraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin