Chapter 15

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Drew came back in the room with me and sat on the couch, not saying anything and he sighed. I looked at him, "is everything okay?" I asked. He nodded then said, "I know you have had a rough month, so have I, but I understand if you say 'no' but I wanted to ask if you would like to go out again sometime? Maybe take our minds off of things?". I shrugged, "why not?" I said. That alone cheered me up a little bit. "When?" I asked. "Tomorrow night," he replied. "Okay, sounds good," I said trying to act nonchalant, but inside I was overcome with excitement. "I think I love him" ,I thought to myself. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door. I opened it, and there was nothing, I thought it was just a few pranksters, but as I was getting ready to shut the door, I saw a note taped to the door. I pulled it off and looked at it. the note said, "I prayed to Lucifer to send someone to watch over Drew, but instead he stabbed me in the back, I'm sorry. get the professionals to take care of it, there is a portal to hell that has been opened in his house in the kitchen, call someone to close the portal and everything should be okay. I'm sorry. Love, Sara." I yelled to Drew "DREW GET IN HERE!!!!!!!! LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND ON THE DOOR!!!" He ran in and read the note and immediately looked around for any clue to where she went, "she had to have just been here" I thought to myself. We found nothing. "Sara! please, please, please come back home baby!!!" I yelled to the sky. I dropped to my knees and cried. There was no response. I ran around asking all my neighbors if they had seen her or anyone who looked suspicious, I asked everyone till I went to the entire neighborhood, and still no one has seen her or anyone else they didn't recognize. "How could it be that everyone have missed her?" I asked myself. I didn't get much sleep that night and Drew became worried about me, so he got a home security system but he made it so the video cameras were canceling out towards the streets surrounding my home so if she came back I would be able to see her and find out which direction she was heading. Many days I slept having dreams about her and I would wake up with tears in my eyes every time. Every time I went to bed I laid on my back with my finger interlocked on my stomach staring at the ceiling and asking "where are you, Sara?" Then I would go to sleep, wondering.

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