Chapter 5

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When I woke up Sara was still. Then I slipped out the bed, careful not to wake her up. Once I got out of bed I shut the door and went to the living room and looked at the clock it was three in the morning. I knew even if I tried I couldn't sleep. So I sat and pondered if I should be sending Sara to school today or not. while I was thinking I seemed to drift in and out and I get flashes of horrible images in my head and I had no idea why. First, an image that was depicted in my head was my parents in orange jumpsuits then they were crying holding each other then I heard this horrid laughing and crying out, "I'm sorry I have to do this!" And then I saw blood much blood. Then I jumped and woke up in a sweat and I was back in the bedroom Sara still asleep next to me sleeping. I looked at the time and it was 6am. I shook off the weird feeling my dream gave me and woke her up, "it's time to go to school" I said.

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