"Looks like the S.S. Phineas has a passenger." Ferb snickered from the other side of the room.

"Shut up!" Phineas couldn't help but laugh, it was a good one.

He was about to close his eyes, when he felt Isabella turn over. He held her close and quickly fell asleep.

Ferb woke up first the next morning with a bad stomachache. He figured it was just from butterflies and got up and went downstairs. He ran to the phone and dialed Emma's number.

"Good morning, love!" he said cheerfully.

"Good morning... I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very good this morning..." she groaned.

"Are you okay?" he was worried.

"I'm fine, just kind of sick." she said in a low voice.

"I'm coming over." he said, hung up the phone, and ran out the door to Emma's house.

Back at the house, Phineas had just woke up. He looked at the beautiful girl next to him. She was perfect even when she was sleeping.

"Good morning, sunshine..." he whispered softly in her ear and she woke up slowly and stretched.

"Good morning, Phine- wait why am I here?!" she got up and freaked out. "My mother is going to kill me! I have to go!" she jumped out of the bed and started to leave when Phineas called to her.

"Don't worry, Isabella! I called your mom last night after you fell asleep and she told me to let you stay the night! You're okay!"

"Phew... anyways, good morning cutie, how'd you sleep?" she laughed.

"Probably the best sleep I've ever had, just cuz you were there." he smiled and scratched behind his ear.

"Honestly, me too." she blushed and went to sit next to him on the side of the bed.

"How does it feel to be the only other person, well, other than Perry, to sleep in the S.S. Phineas?" he snorted.

"Wow, I'm honored!" she giggled.

"You should be, I don't let just anyone sleep in my bed!"

"Well, I'd hope not!" they both laughed their heads off and eventually stopped.

"Hey, where's Perry?" they said at the same time and started laughing again

"Wait, where's Ferb?" they did it again and Isabella couldn't breathe, she was laughing so hard.

Once they were done having their laugh attack, they went downstairs and Phineas wanted to surprise her, so he told her to go wait in the living room while he made breakfast. He was going to impress her if it was the last thing he did.

Emma heard a knock at her door and wearily got up off of the couch and answered the door.

"Hi, Ferb... sorry I'm like this." she frowned.

"Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you. Mrs. Hunter, would it be okay with you if I took care of Emma at my house today? I think I know what's wrong." he called to the kitchen.

"That sounds wonderful, honey, thank you!"

Ferb smiled and picked her up wedding-style.

"Thank you, my love." she smiled weakly, and his heart almost broke at her fragility.

"Stay strong, darling, it will be alright. I'm gonna take good care of you." he said as he kissed her forehead and carried her in through the front door.

"Where were you? And why are you carrying Emma?" Phineas asked from the kitchen.

"Shh, don't speak so loudly, you're hurting her ears." Ferb whispered.

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