Anti-Esper Ambush!

Start from the beginning

"And where were you?" asked Alan. "You took far too long on your little run tonight."

"Sorry. I was saving fours girls from a bunch of armed soldiers." Said Sonic.

"Who were these girls?" asked Alan.

"Hm.... If I recall, one of them had chestnut hair......" Said Sonic.

"........That is sis hair color alright. And those other three must have been her friends. What the heck was she doing?" asked Alan as he had a look of disappointment on his face.

"It sounded like she and her friends were trying to find 'the blue blur' AKA me." Said Sonic.

"But she ran into those armed soldiers?" asked Alan.

"More like those armed soldiers ambushed them. And the strangest thing was that they had a badge that had a letter 'E' with a slash on their shoulders and their giant metal suits." Said Sonic.

Alan had his eyes open wide in surprise. "What was on their badges again?" asked Alan.

"A badge that had a letter 'E' with a slash on there." Said Sonic.

"Oh no.........." Said Alan had he had a hand on his face in fear.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sonic.

"Its them.......... the Anti-Esper organization." Said Alan.

"Who?" asked Sonic.

"They........ they were a small group at first that believed that people with Espers should be wiped off the planet. But they were quiet for years. If they are coming back now, then they are no longer a small group. This city might be facing a war against them." Said Alan.

"How do you know so much about them?" asked Sonic.

"Because........ because I have read reports and news about them in the past. If you manage to defeat them, they might be back for revenge." Said Alan.

"What do we do?" asked Sonic.

"Even if we leave using the rings, they will tear this city apart trying to look for you. I can't risk that." Said Alan.

"So what is the plan?" asked Sonic.

"Tomorrow, I need to see it with my own eyes if Anti-Esper really is back. Then we need to start a counter attack against them." Said Alan.


Unknown Location.........

In unknown location, two soldier men were kneeling down to someone in shame, as this person was in standing in the darkest shadows of the room.

"Explain to me how you all fail to eliminate four little girls!?" asked the person. His yell caused the two soldiers to shake in fear.

"We are sorry sir!" said the scared soldiers.

"We are the Anti-Esper organization. We have waited in the shadows long enough to attack all the people in this wretched city..... but you are telling me you that you failed to handle ONE SIMPLE TASK YOU WERE GIVEN!?" said the voice which sounds like their leader.

"S-Sir, wait please! We can explain!" Said the first solider. This causes the leader to stop his anger at the two soldiers. Only for a moment.

"You got one chance to explain. ONE chance." said the leader of this organization.

"We were ambushed and defeated by a extremely fast object that wiped us all out." Said the second solider.

"Fast object?" asked the leader.

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