I Hate you Hemmings (Muke)

Start from the beginning

 "Shut the fuck up Michael! I don't want to hear your half assed bullshit tonight. Be a good boy and leave me alone. Understood?", he spoke in a low and demanding voice. Michael fought the whimper that was climbing up the back of his throat as the blonde released him, dropping him onto the floor before walking away.

Michael watched him as he panted. He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath. He stood up as he brushed himself off, grabbing his guitar before mumbling and curses under his breath.


    The four of them were on the left wing of the stage getting ready to go out on stage. Ashton and Calum were bouncing with every step they took, they were so excited and as far as they were aware, Luke and Michael haven't fought yet. Michael was still shaken up from before as he fidgeted with the bracelets on his wrist. 

Luke noticed this as he watched the shorter boy. What started with a death glare turned to a softer gaze, nervous Michael had to be his favourite. He finally shut his big mouth up and he wasn't trying to be big and strong. 

Ashton and Calum walked onto the stage first, the crowd roaring and cheering as Michael fidgeted in his spot. Luke came up behind him as he pat his back in a friendly manner. Michaels whole body jerked as he turned around quickly to punch his arm.

"Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you-"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Don't fucking touch me freak!", Michael said before taking a deep breath as he walked up on stage. Fake smile and wave. Luke shook his head in disbelief as he rolled his eyes. 

"What a fucking bitch."

Luke shook it off before coming on stage as well, smiling brightly at the crowd. The same smile Michael really fucking envied. He shouldn't get to smile like that for being an annoying little shit. Ashton and Calum treat him like a little brother but Michael just couldn't. 

   So the concert continued. Michael glaring daggers into Luke the whole time as Luke slowly grew more annoyed with each passing song. He knew this affected the way the song's were performed. His voice dropped octaves as he sounded rough and definitely angry. The boys caught on, as did Michael and he just gave him a shit eating smirk. He was doing good, annoying Luke the way he did tonight.

So they performed, pissing eachother off all night.


    "Good show boys!", Ashton said as he walked off the stage all smiley and happy. Calum noticed the tension between Luke and Michael during the concert and he just didn't want to bring the older boys mood down. "Yea, great concert guys, Ash let's get back to the hotel, I wanna get some swim time", Calum said wiggling his eyebrows in an amused manner.

Ashton laughed as he nodded before turning to the two rivals. 

"We will see you two tomorrow alright? Please don't kill each other.", he said seriously as he began walking backwards with Calum, eyeing them in a fatherly manner. They gave a short nod before waving them away. Once they were gone, Michael turned to glare at Luke before walking back to his change room. 

Luke wasn't about to let Michael get away with the way he was acting tonight. He followed after a minute or two of thinking. Basically stomping into his changeroom, grabbing his waist before turning him around so he's facing him. 

Luke looked down at the boy with an angered expression. Michael on the other hand had a scared expression, he knew he would start yelling at him. He would give it away too easily so he decided to stay safe, he decided to stay quiet. Luke only rolled his eyes before pressing him harshly against the wall, gripping his waist tight enough to leave bruises. "What? Have nothing to say anymore Mikey? Being a bitch all day doesn't get you far Clifford."

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