Mine Chapter Twenty-Five:

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*Elizabeth's POV*

" MMM, good morning ", I smiled cheerfully. " Good morning to you too, David's voice low and husky. " I got up out of the bed it was nearly noon, we didn't sleep much last night do to David's mental break. I pained me greatly to see him in so much pain, he was struggling with so much guilt about Jackson and his mother. I could somewhat understand his guilt but at the same time I have never killed anyone. " Would you like eggs and pancakes for breakfast " he said kissing my neck breaking me from my thoughts " hmm and some sausage too , I hummed " " That would be amazing , I continued . " " Sure some sausage too, he kissed my hand gently before walking out of the room ".

I made my way to the nightstand and as I start to look through it I realize my mother's letter was still there god it's been maybe a month in a half since well David took me. A month in a half and I still wasn't sure I could open it and read it. The thought of my mom pained me more than anything else even more then my drunk in car accident with my father, at least he didn't suffer, his death was immediate. My mom however died of sickness and to this day they still don't know what kind it was. One morning she was fine and by that evening on the same day she was catatonic. I still didn't have time to process how fast she got sick. I still haven't taken any time to grieve, I was always avoiding the subject. I sigh and open the envelope with care.

" My Dearest Daughter,

I hope this isn't too much for you, I know how you are when it come's to corny theatrics. Especially old age letters. I'm sorry. I know it those words probably don't mean much. It sucks and life is completely unfair. I was a few years older then you when I lost my mother too, so I could only imagine how you must be feeling. At first it is going to feel like this huge wall has caved in and there is no way out unless of course you inherited my stubbornness and pride, then you'll most likely burry yourself in work to distract yourself, or maybe you'll avoid reading this all together. I only hope you wont make the same mistakes I made when I was young. And my darling I want you to live your life with zero regrets. I love you Lizzie Bear may we meet again

with love, Kathrine Sellers (mom)

Tears sprang to my eyes as I coddled the letter close to my chest. " I miss you " I sobbed softly. I was interrupted by a delicious smell but also a nauseating one. I quickly dart to my bathroom locking myself in. I bow my head down to the toilet and begin puking my brains out. Once finished I flush and turn on my shower grabbing my tooth brush and paste while stripping and rushing in. I know you may think I'm weird for brushing my teeth in the shower I know I did at first too, Eli sure has his habit's rubbing off on me. " Elizabeth" my name being called from outside the door. " The food is done " he continued. " I'll be out in a moment I promise. " yelling back. My stomach still felt queasy but I shook it off and exited my comforting hot shower and got dressed.

" Hey are you ok ? " David asked concerned. " I'm fine just feeling a little off and a little upset I finally read my mother's letter " My voice soft. " I'm sorry, are you ok after reading it ? " he asked subtly. " I'll be ok, thank you " I smiled before staring at all the food in front of me. " Wow, you made all of this ? " I said shocked. " Yes " I made my self a plate but still couldn't understand that smell that was bothering me until I reached the bacon. I love bacon but why on earth does it smell like that. I shook it off as nothing and begin to eat my pancakes, I loaded them with some chocolate chips, whip cream , and maple syrup. Then I began to eat my sausage and eggs. As I scarfed down my food I couldn't help the fact that I was Indeed being stared at. " What " I say mouth half full. " Someone's really hungry, are you sure you are feeling ok? " he said sounding concerned. " Never better " I smiled " This food is delish, I continued smiling some more food almost falling out my mouth. " Are you going to eat, I ask him noticing he never grabbed a plate. " I ate in while you were in the shower " he smiled. " Oh , I didn't mean to take so long " " Your fine you said you felt off and you needed some private time after reading your mother's letter ". " mhm, I say agreeing with my mouth full once more. " " So we need to dye your hair today to a lighter shade of either the red brown or golden brown, but this dark shade sadly has to go " I say shoveling more eggs in my mouth. " " I swear , your so beautiful " he said jokingly. " Your being sarcastic, I say rolling my eyes " Well I mean you do look like a chipmunk right now, David exclaims while bursting out in laughter. " I watched as he stood up and walked over to me " Care to join me for some cuddles in bed before you destroy my appearance. " he smiled. " Sure, I smile back " " I'm so happy you are mine, he whispered before planting a kiss on my very full lips "

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