Not me anymore Chapter Eight:

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* David's dream *

" You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey, David's mother sang to him. " Mommy , Asked young David. " Yes , my sweet boy? " " Is it normal to have thought's about hurting people?" " Well it depends, did someone hurt you? " she asked. " No but I get mad and have bad thought's " young David responded. The voice's faded in my head and woke up with a bright light in my eyes. I looked around the room and noticed my tray of breakfast, I scurried to the plate. Today is Saturday No school. It's been two weeks since the girl from class took her life well since Rebecca took her life. Maybe her persona's probably finally drove her mad. I know mine has and I only have Noah. " David, Nurse Susan my morning nurse called. " " Yes Susan. " I answered with a half full mouth of food. " You know the drill, I need to check your vitals ". I walked back to the bed and sat down. I watched as she checked my eyes, then my ears. " I need to check your blood pressure. " I cleared my left arm and let her do her thing. I looked over at my plate of food that I have not been able to finish, I really wish she would hurry up I thought to myself. " Alright, All done. " she said. As she walked out the door I was greeted with Noah's intrusive thought's, " What on earth are you doing? " I am assuming he was questioning the way I was eating, I internally rolled my eyes. " I can't eat in peace I muttered. " " That would implied I cared about your feeling's, which I don't ", he responded. " " I see we are dreaming of dear ole' mommy " I clenched my plastic fork the guard cleared his throat. I could feel my eyes growing darker then my normal shade of blue. " Let's have a little fun, Noah laughed ". " No , I said allowed. " Now the guard step forward. I felt challenged, It wasn't just Noah making me annoyed or that he felt challenged , No this was different It was me I was very annoyed and angry. I no longer felt like I could control my anger. " Leave, I scoffed " " Is that a threat the guard asked." " I SAID LEAVE" throwing my tray across the room. The guard backed away and shut the door.

5hrs later..

* Elizabeth's POV*

" Hey girl, Anna greeted" " Hey, I half smiled. " " Where is Erick? I thought you two were you know? Elizabeth asked smiling." We are, and it's going good, Anna answered back smiling." But no more about me, How have you been, since you know everything? " I starred at her, what would she think if I told her I missed him, If I wanted to talk to him. " Lizzie, She shook me. " " I'm fine, thank you for asking." " Ok, lets get to class before we get in trouble. Anna and I continued to walk down the hall to our first period English. We were greeted by a sub today but I thought nothing of it I pulled out my pen and paper and went to work with my project. But I found myself unable to focus. I raised my hand asking to be excused. I went to the office simply said I wasn't feeling well and left. I didn't know where I was going but I knew my feet would take me there. I continued down the hall to the front door of the building. I kept walking, Since my bike has a flat tire my mother had given me a ride to school today I guess I'll be walking. I put in my headphones and turned on " Parasyte Eve " by bring me the horizon and was on my way.

Hours had passed I was now in town I looked up I hadn't been paying attention to the fact I was right across the street from the hospital. I let out a gasp, I was shocked. Had I really been thinking of David and that day's event's so much that my own subconscious took me here. Maybe I should see him , I thought to myself. I walked towards the front doors and walked past the first floors desk to a elevator. I went up to the psychiatric floor when I heard the elevator ding I jumped. I was startled, I walked out and I seen the hallway where it all happened. Blood everywhere clouded my vision. " Excuse me can we help you, a nurse at the front desk" asked grabbing my attention. " umm.. I- I ... , I couldn't get the words out. " You look familiar, do you have friends or family on this floor that you wish to visit? " I was still speechless. " I'm sorry I must be on the wrong floor. " Just as I was about to turn back to the elevator I saw him a group of guards and His Dr. I believe her name was Rose they must have been taking him somewhere, his room probably. He didn't notice me but I noticed him. His brown dark hair and fair skin and light sky blue eyes. I turned away just as he looked up my direction and hit the elevator button. I couldn't do this, I couldn't face him. I blamed myself for him being here for sticking him in the arm with whatever that was in that needled. But if I hadn't he would of killed far more people even if he wasn't himself. " I'm such a coward , I mumbled to myself" Finally the elevator door had opened. I made my way down and out of the hospital.

* David/Noah's POV*

*knock, Knock * " Yes, I called out. " Dr. Rose had walked in. Your temper is raising quickly today I hear? Have you had any black out's today? " She asked. " No, I said irritated not wanting to be bothered by this nonsense." " The guard said you snapped ? " she asked yet again another question. " " So?, I challenged ". " Am I speaking to David or Noah? This time Dr. Roses tone more harsh. " I'm not sure anymore, I answered her honestly." " Let's head to my office to discuss your school work and possibly other treatments. " I got up and four guards walked by me while Dr. Rose walked in front leading us to her office. Something felt off. I don't know what it was. " Something's different today " Noah said strongly in my head. We were finally exiting off the main hall of the psychiatric floor just about to pass the front desk. Something in my gut told me to look at the front desk. I looked towards the elevators and like a knife cutting into my gut I saw a girl with brown long hair she turned her head quickly before I could see her face. Her back resembled something like Elizabeth's back. I stopped getting ready to say her name but before I could a guard grabbed me forcibly and hauled me down the hall and she was already on the elevator gone.

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