Missing Chapter Fifteen:

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* Noah's POV *

I woke up to a blood curdling scream. My eyes darted towards the unzippered tent where I quickly searched to find the girl no where in sight. " What the hell has she gotten into now " I muttered to my self quickly grabbing the hunting knife running in the direction where I last heard her. Once I got to the scene she was nowhere in sight just the fishing rod on the ground followed by some scuff marks and boots. I studied them realizing that they belonged to multiple men. I began treading upward towards a unmarked path following the prints. " Get off of me " I heard her shout. I was getting closer now. I peaked through a bush observing, and looking for her. I finally spotted two men holding her down. But she wasn't giving in she was fighting, spitting and kicking. * Smack * a loud crackle sounded through the air as one of the men continued to force himself on her leaving a red mark across her cheek. I don't know what came over me I could have left her and all my problems would be gone but no she is mine. I jumped out of the bushes startling the men. I sprinted toward the taller man with a gut, quickly slitting his throat. I turned to see a man reaching for his gun, I smiled at him challenging him. This put fear in his eyes. I could see it all over his face. His hand's were shaking. Something tells me he's never shot that thing a day in his life.

* Elizabeth's POV *

My head was ringing and I was drifting in and out of consciousness. None of them succeeded with what they were trying to do. My virtue was still in tacked but the clothes were torn in shreds. I finally snapped out of it and looked up to a man dead in front of me and noticed that one of them were point a gun shaking. David was smiling, He isn't in control I thought to myself. It had to be Noah I thought again. I had to do something. I had distract the guy, I pushed myself up stumbling and I used as much force as possible trying to knock this man over * shots sound * His gun went off grazing David's shoulder. David then charged forward tackling him to the ground stabbing him through the chest. I looked around wondering where the other two men had gone. " There were four men, I mumbled ". " Where are they", I mumbled again feeling dizzy. The two came from different directions charging David and I. David took out the one guy with ease meanwhile I was being held with a knife to my throat. David grabbed the gun pointing it at him hands steady ready to shoot if needed. I was panting now out of breathe from fighting feeling the knife squeeze against my jugular. * Shots sound * The man holding me dropped to the ground and I passed out.

3hrs later..

I woke with a massive headache. My body felt beyond bruised and it to move even the slightest inch. I winced at the pain. I looked around I was in the tent " How long have I been out " I thought to myself. I gathered up whatever strength I had left and opened the tent taking in the new surrounding, we were no longer at the camp by the lake. We were somewhere down river by a huge waterfall. I looked around and found David bleeding badly from his left shoulder. What I thought was a graze, turned out to be a flesh wound. The bullet went clear threw his left shoulder. I looked down at the first aid kit he had he was doing a terrible job trying to patch himself up. I went and looked for the first aid I kept in my purse. I found some sewing supplies. I turned to see him glaring at me. " I need to clean it and close it " I told him. He just stared at me. " Very stupid " He muttered. I rolled my eyes. " Turn around ", I demanded. " I can do it myself, " he muttered. " David ! " I shouted. " It's not David " he rolled his eyes annoyed. " Noah, I sighed " with him now eying me. " So stupid " He muttered again. " How " I said getting irritated. " Like I said yesterday, you were either very brave or very stupid. " he spat. " You still haven't explained how , I respond crossing my arms ". " You wander off by yourself, You tried fighting four men off and I had to come save your ass " He boomed. " You made that choice yourself, You didn't have to save me " I shouted. " Now sit the hell down and let me clean your wound and close it or you can die from infection. " I said angerly. He sat down and I began my work. I poured rubbing alcohol onto his wound followed by a warm rag. I begin to sew it shut and as I did he flinched. " Stay still or it will hurt more " I demanded. He stopped flinching I finished quickly. " Your welcome. " " Yea thanks, he said sarcastically getting up. " " Seriously, I said going to smack him " He grabbed my hand by the wrist, I go to use my less dominate hand. He grabs that one too. I stare at him observing the new dark shade of blue eyes. Noah's eyes were slightly different, a darker shade of blue like a ocean and David's were light like the sky. I read that some people can go through physical changes with personality disorder but it was quite rare and most of the time it had to do when strength or the body in general or even voice change but never eye color. I blinked starring at him still he started to push me up against a tree. How do I keep ending up in these situations with him.

* Noah/David's POV *

I pushed her against the tree not understanding why I still simply cannot bring myself to hurt her. I felt consumed by her brown eyes. What did my better half see in her. David had to see the same fire in her eyes as I did right now that's why he feels so strongly against me hurting her. Not to mention without her help earlier we would both be dead. Even though I want her dead, She still cared to me an treated my wounds. I could hear myself saying her name in my head which turned into me actually saying it, " Elizabeth, her name rolled right out my lips, " leaving me feeling hazy. I eased my grip on her wrist, I touched her face I could feel David surfacing pushing me to the back of our head. " Your eyes, David is " " Yes, I answered her ". I brushed the hair out of her face pushing it behind her ear. " David, she whispered ". I leaned in kissing her gently interrupting both of our thoughts. I moved my hands down to her waste pulling her up around me. I let myself be consumed in her. I didn't let Noah steal this from me, although I think he rather enjoyed this, he felt some sort of possessiveness over her. I deepened my give, my tongue exploring hers. I began to carry her inside of the tent laying her on the ground inside. I begin to kiss her neck and shoulders something I've never done with anyone before. I continued to be as gentle as possible because of the bruises on her body. I felt myself hardening, I pulled away. She looked at me with a pleading look " what's wrong ", she asked. I couldn't bring myself to say it. " It's ok, I want to. " she spoke . I looked into her eyes. " I don't know what I'm doing, I've never done this before. " she smiled and looked down blushing , " neither have I " she said looking away. She then looked back at me moving closer " It's ok. " she whispered kissing me with such passion. I began to take off my clothes and throw them to the side. I helped her take hers off as well. I traced my lips on every inch of her body, kissing all the way back up to her ears , whispering " beautiful " in her ear. I continued " are you sure" . " yes " she whispered back.

Sick, Twisted, LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ