Battle wound's Chapter Twenty-One:

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* three weeks later*

*Noah's POV*

Everything was back I had no idea where I was. I couldn't feel David there was just a nothingness and I think for the first time in this life I felt pain. A unbearable pain, but I couldn't tell if it was psychical or emotional. " Elizabeth " I thought. I could feel this pain in my chest, what the hell is that, why does it feel that way. I wondered if she was dead, was she alive. For some reason the thought of her death made everything only hurt worse. What the hell is this. " it's your heartbreaking , David sounded " " I scoffed, I don't think I have been so thankful to hear your voice " I thought back. " Like wise, he answered. " I started to see a light, I think I was waking up. I opened my eyes in a room filled with old art and tan walls. " Where the hell am I " I thought again. " At least we aren't dead or locked up " David mumbled to me sarcastically. I could hear a group of people down the hall arguing. I began to stand nearly stumbling back down into the bed I heard one of the voice's alerting the rest of the group " Someone's up " then foot steps proceeded towards the door " DAVID " she stopped then observed my demeanor. " Noah " she breathed teary eyed. She ran towards me and locked her lips with mine. I felt a relief wash over me feeling her lips lock on mine. I pulled away, " your alive " I mumbled before grunting grabbing my shoulder. " That's two shoulder's you'ved injured trying to protect me. ", she laughed. " I'm afraid that was David that time " he whispered back. " Are you , she paused. " Is he ok? , She whispered. " " Yes, your better half is ok " I replied calmly.

" Elizabeth, a man appeared at the doorway. " I reacted on instinct feeling as though he was a threat I threw Elizabeth behind me and yoked the man up against the wall choking him. " David, he choked squirming " I realized he knew my other half I looked closer finally recognizing his face. I let him down not saying a word then looked back at a shaken Elizabeth. " Eli are you ok, she said stepping around me. " " I'm fine, he said in a sour tone. " I promise he didn't mean it, she said looking back at me before continuing " He just doesn't remember you well this version of him anyway, its difficult to explain. " It's fine, I was just making sure you were ok. " he smiled at her. I closely observed the dirty blonde hair man in the doorway. He wasn't interested in her, hell he didn't seem interested in females at all he looked like one himself the way he carried himself. His green eyes locked with mine right as a man with similar features walked in. " I need to check his wound's " he spoke. My eyes darted between him and Elizabeth. I wasn't sure who to trust. " Noah, she spoke then introduced me to him " this is Erick, Eli's twin brother. " I could only glare at both of them. " Do I have permission to look at you ? " he spoke. " Twins, I mumbled. " Observing Erick he had the same green eyes but his hair was blonder then Eli's. " Yes , he smiled " looking at me. " Now can I address your wounds and give you another antibiotic shot? " I looked back at Elizabeth who nodded at me letting me that it was safe. " yes , I said almost whispering " . " I'll be out here with Anna, Eli can you walk with me ", Elizabeth spoke leaving the room.

I looked at the door way the entire time as he took the old bandage off. " Can you be more careful , I said grinding my teeth " " I'll try my best, he responded " " Fair warning this shot may burn and I have to stick it directly into the wound , he said cautiously. " I glared at him before speaking. " Seriously " " Look if it makes you feel better I am nervous as hell even being in here especially after" he stopped. " Never mind shall we continue he muttered. " Fine " I scoffed. I didn't feel the needle go in but the fire that followed after nearly had me about to kill this man for only saving me. " Son of a bitch " I yelled. " I told you it would burn, he mocked ". Elizabeth came barging in. " Everything ok in here " her eyes wide at me. " Everything is fine, Noah and I are all finished, Erick smiled walking towards her. " Thank you Erick I know how much you risked helping me. I wish there was more I could do " she spoke handing him a hand full of cash. " Elizabeth , that's the money your mother left you when she passed I'm not taking a single penny of it, you are my friend I'm here if you need anything " He spoke pushing her hand to her chest before walking away. " Are you angry with me ? " she breathed. " No " I spoke softly. " There was just so much blood, and I didn't know what else to do. " She spoke as if she was going to break. I got up slowly walking towards her taking her hand and pulling her into my arms. I grimaced, " I'm sorry, she spoke quickly realizing she had caused me pain ". " Your fine " I say cupping her cheek. " your being gentle , she whispered. " " You seem to have that effect on me more and more now a day's " We both shared a smile before she looked away. " They will be back later to help me figure out where to hide you " she laughed. I looked at her eyes and smiled " I'm so happy your alive ". And in that moment time stood still just sharing one another's glances for the remainder of the night. " Me too, she whispered ". " I'm happy your alive too ".

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