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   "Hello?" Teahyung spoke receiving the call, "will you guys come?" Sarah asked, she sat in the living room with the girls. They were waiting eagerly for his reply. It's been a few days since the news broke out, Teahyung told everything about there marriage in an interview and now things are nearly calm. Though they were people who weren't happy and weren't ready to except it

  "Where?" Teahyung asked. "You and the boys promised to come and watch girls"perform Sarah reminded. "Oh hold up for a second" he said. After Emily excitedly told them about their cover band, boys promised to watch them perform.

"What did he say?" Emily asked. "Wait a second Em" Sarah replied, "I think he is asking others."

   "Hey, yeah we will be there but we can be late or might not come, no promises but we'll Try" Teahyung voice rang in her ears. "Oh okay, bye" Sarah ended the call. "They are coming" she announced, the living room filled with their squeals as they jumped on top of Sarah, all of them.

"Get off me!!" Sarah gasped. "Hehe sorry" Emily said, 'I love you so much!" she squealed once again throwing her arms around Sarah.



     "I thought you guys won't come" Anna said. "Yeah we have been waiting for quite a while" Mia agreed. The girls were backstage, putting there things in place. There performance was to start in just half an hour. Seeing the boys, they became very energetic. "Sorry, we tried finish our work as soon as possible" Jin replied.

"I can help you noona" Jungkook chripped taking the boxes from Emily's hands. "Thank you Jungkook!" Emily smiled ear to ear. Boys helped girls with their things. "Have you called Taylor?" Anna asked Sarah. "I did she didn't picked up" she replied with a shrug.

   "Where is she we have to start in ten minutes" Thea sighed. "She would be on her way Unnie" Hana said. They all nodded.

"Who is Taylor?" Jimin asked. "Oh you didn't get to meet her, she is the singer" Emily replied. Jimin nodded, "OK."

"Yoongi-ssi can you put this guitar over there" Thea asked "yeah sure" he replied. Holding the guitar in his hands, he walked to the couch, he was about to put it- when someone grabbed his wrist and yank him around. The guitar fell down from his hands and before Yoongi could understand anything, he was pinned to the wall. A pair of dark blue eyes glaring at him.

He almost mistook her for Sarah but soon realized it wasn't her.

"How dare you touch my guitar?" she growled in low whisper as her grip on his collar tightened. "I- I was just putting it on-" he didn't understand why was he stuttering! But the lady looked really furious.

  "Taylor?" Emily gasped, "what are you doing?" Now all of them were watching, Yoongi sandwiched between her and the wall. "How dare he touch my guitar?"she asked her eyes not leaving Yoongi's. "I Asked him to put it somewhere save" Thea informed. After a brief glare at Yoongi, she turned towards the couch "well some safe place it is!" she barked picking up her guitar from the floor, she glared at Thea and stomped out to the stage.

"Why is she so angry?" Mia frowned. "I think she got into a fight again" Anna replied. "No she is just insane" Thea huffed. "I'm so sorry Yoongi" Thea said with sympathy, "are you alright?" Yoongi nodded, "it's okay" it wasn't. He couldn't put his finger on what happened to him just now.

"So she is Taylor?" Jimin chuckled. "Well.." Sarah heaved a sigh. "She's the monstrous Taylor" Anna quoted. "OK girls, let's go" Mia said and they all started for the stage.

"Yah yoongi are you alright you look so red?"Jin hyung asked. "Yes hyung it's just.. I am feeling hot yeah I am feeling hot! Are there no fans or air conditioner?" he said. "Shhh!" Jhope put his finger on his lips.

The rest of their performance, he feel like he was hypnotized. She kept looking at me with a smug smirk on her face. Every time he looked in her eye, he felt his knees got weak. Her eyes are filled with coldness. And her lips-

"Ah! Wake up Yoongi!"

"Yah Yah swag where is my swag!" Yoongi suddenly cried and everyone gave him a "keep quiet" look.

After there performance, the boys waited at the back for the girls. Girls were with there fans, mostly boys. Taylor excused herself and walked up to Sarah, who was leaning against the wall. "Do you know who that person was?" Sarah asked. "Who? The one who was messing with my guitar" Taylor asked.

Sarah heaved a sigh and nodded. "Well I was angry and I took it out on him" she bit her lower lip. "He is Min Yoongi from bts" Sarah informed. "What?" Taylor gasped, "for real? Are you insane? Why didn't anyone tell before-"

  "We wanted to but you didn't pick up the phone."

   "Sarah.. Fuck! You know what happened? I was- I was with my friends at a restaurant and a jerk groped me twice! Twice! When a threw fist at him, I was thrown out of the restaurant. Turned out he was the son of the restaurants owner! Stupid dickshit asshole!" She ranted in one breath.

   "Well-" before Sarah could, "I'm going home bye" Taylor said and hurried to the exit. "Taylor wait! Atleast apologize before... you go" Sarah called after her but she already disappeared. It was so crowded.

"Where is Taylor?" Mia asked. "Umm She went home" Sarah as both started for the backstage.

"Taylor?" Thea raised her eyebrow. "went home" Mia replied. The girls shook their heads.

    Suddenly someone hugged Sarah from behind, "Taylor!!" They exclaimed as they turned Sarah around and hugged her once again. It was a handsome man, he took both her hands in his "dad gave me permission to start the new project" the excitement in his voice matched his shine in his eyes. "I'm so happy!" His enthusiasm didn't matched her confused look.

   "Oppa! This isn't Taylor Unnie" Hanna said with a soft giggle. Jay looked closely and his expression changed into a seductive look, he bowed and kissed the back of Sarah's hands. "Hello senorita~" he said as her eyebrows almost touched her hairline.

    "She is married" Jay Thea informed, "you got no chance." He huffed, "well it's your loss beautiful. I must say your husband is a lucky guy-"

   "I'm a lucky guy" Teahyung said through gritted teeth though one couldn't see his expression because of his mask. He held Sarah's hand, "I'm tired let's go home" he didn't ask, he ordered. Sarah nodded and they both left without another word. She couldn't help but think if Taehyung was jealous. She heard girls scolding the Jay dude that he shouldn't have held or kissed her hand.

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