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       Midnight is beautiful part of a day. The stars twinkle brightly, faint clouds briskly float by the glowing moon. The sky's color is a magnificent, deep blue. But the most peaceful thing of all is the silence that stares at is from below.

    The moonlight falls on the bed she was laying on, making her features highlight with its majestic light. Eyes closed, lips a little parted, wondering in another world away from the realty. Falling asleep tonight was hard, the trains of thoughts were going on with full speed.

     On her bedside table, the phone kept ringing but it was unable to wake her from her sleep. Though the annoying bell was heard clearly but her mind didn't allow her to even move. But finally forcing herself to get up, mentally reminding herself to put her phone silent mode next time, she cursed before answering the phone.

     "Merry Christmas!" either the other wanted to get killed or they were insane. "What?" She asked, squinting her eyes as she stared at the unknown number, "sorry was it Halloween? Happy Halloween!" The person on the other side was clearly drunk, "Yah Namjoon-ah! Give the phone to me!" this was non other than Jin.

     "Hello, can I talk to Sarah?" Jin asked. "Yeah I am listening.." She replied back, wondering what was so important to disturb her at this hour of night. "Y-your man is drunk" Jin's wind shield laugh made her pull away the phone from her ear. "Do you want him *hiccup* to s-stay  or are you coming?"
    She groaned loudly, "I am coming.." She heaved a sigh, ended the call before going the bathroom. She washed her face, changed her clothes and drove the car to boy's dorm.

    She waited at the doorstep, she could here the boys bickering from inside, she mentally cursed. Finally Jhope opened the door, "who are you?" He frowned crossing his arms over his chest and Sarah mimicked him. "How much did you guys drink?"

  "I'm not d-drunk" he stuttered and she rolled her eyes. "Who's there?" It was Yoongi, "hi Sarah. Come in" he said pushing Jhope aside. "Anneyong" Sarah before following Yoongi. "Did you bring Iron Man?" Jungkook smiled at which Sarah raised her eyebrows.

    "Ignore him!" Yoongi said refilling his glass with alcohol, a silly grin on his face. "If you are going to cry in front about a different man, then stop being so pretty!" Yoongi said with a really deep voice.

"Huh? What?"

  He seemed sober but was really drunk. Namjoon was past out on the floor. Jin and Jimin fighting over God knows what. Jungkook giggling like a child, gawking at her.

    "OK.." Sarah let out a frustrated sigh, "where is Teahyung?" Yoongi emptied his glass in one gulp and replied, "he's in the bathroom maybe" refilled his glass again. "Oh please stop drinking!" Sarah snatched his glass, "it's bad for health and-" Suga pouted.

"OK I'll stop. Not because I love you but because I only love you-"

   "The heck is wrong with you?" Sarah was confused. She collected all the alcohol, placing it in the kitchen before going towards the bathroom. "Not this bitch!" She murmured seeing Jina standing outside the bathroom leaning against the wall. "Why are you here?" Jina asked as soon as her eyes fell on Sarah.

     Sarah acted like she wasn't there and knocked on the door, "Teahyung-" Sarah called.

    "Don't show me that attitude of yours!" Jina grabbed Sarah's shirt, "or what?" The brunette asked making the purple head scowl. "Don't you understand Teahyung is mine-"

    "Jina, my attitude, my anger and my stubbornness is the cause of distress for many people" she pushed Jina away making her stumble and fell, "count yourself lucky if you are not in my bad list yet." Sarah dusted her clothes as if touched by something filthy.

My Rebellious Soul. [Kim Teahyung FF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora