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Haaaaaaapy New Year everyone 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 it's been super crazy and all but, I hope this new year will go smoothly for each and every one of us. - Jarie✌️

                               Date: 18th Nov, 2316
                               Time: 17:12 pm

Mason's POV

                   I felt a hard slap on my cheek and I jolted awake. A really sharp pain made its way to my head and I winced. The dizziness also found its way too and I felt seriously drained.


"What? You said I should wake him up."

"Not like that!"

I turned my head to the direction of the conversation and my head swam. My eyes focused on Sophie and I rubbed my cheek in pain and glared at her.

"Well that didn't hurt at all!" she exclaimed, deepening her voice to imitate me.

My glare became more pronounced as  she giggled.

"That's not how I sound."

"Sure it is. I got it right, didn't I Giddy?" she asked.

"No, no you didn't." Gideon said, with a small smile playing on her lips.

                     A small gasp left Sophie's mouth. She wiped a fake tear from her eye.

"I guess nobody loves me in this cruel world." she says as she poses dramatically and lays a hand across her forehead. Gideon and I roll our eyes and she steps beside the bed, tapping away on her Multipurpose Wrist Screen.

"Mason according to what your vitals say, you had a massive energy drain. Whatever that thing you were doing was, you'd better not do it again." Gideon said.
I stared at her in shock.

"Thing?! You mean you don't know what happened to me or what I was doing?"

"No, I haven't the slightest clue. But what I do know is that, we will find out."

Sophie stared at her.


Gideon shrugged.

"I don't know. I just think we will."

Sophie and I glanced at each other and back at Gideon then, back to ourselves again.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Um, that's not really reassuring Gideon."

She rolled her eyes as she continued to tap away on her Multi Wrist, checking through my vitals and body scan.

"Be optimistic about it. It usually works." she says.

"Um, Giddy? Did I mistakenly adjust something on your motherboard or what?" Sophie asked, arms at akimbo.  Gideon either chose to ignore her or didn't hear her. I guess I'll never know.

"Also, Mr. Hill, you basically need to eat, rest up before tomorrow and take a few energants (meds that give energy). I'll do a check up tomorrow, just make sure you don't do anything that'll make your condition worse." she said.

I gave her a confused look.

Sophie sighed.

" Just don't do anything stupid Masy. "


She bit her lip and let's just say my stomach flipped over.

"I don't know. Don't do anything strenuous." she said. I cursed under my breath and Gideon cringed.

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