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Mason's POV

The sound of Sophie squealing made Gideon and jerk out of our thoughts. She gave me a scared look and I threw the grey blanket off of me.

"No, no, no. You...stay put." she said pointing at me.


"No buts. I'll go check it out." she went out of the room in a haste.

After a few seconds, when I was sure the coast was clear, I slid off of the bed. I stood to my feet and for a moment, the room began to spin. I took my right hand to my head and stretched the other one towards the bed to steady myself. After a few seconds, the dizziness stopped immediately. Strange.

I chose not to dwell on that fact any longer and made for the door. The scanner beside it asked for identification.

I swiped my smart watch on the scanner.

It began to process the information as I began to figdet impatiently.

"Please re-identify."

I huffed in annoyance.
I swiped it again. After a few seconds, the screen glowed red.

"Access denied."

I cussed under my breath. Gideon. I looked around the room for something, anything and my eyes landed on my waterproof backpack. A switch turned on in my head. My t-port! I reached for my bag and took out my t-port. I switched it on and it glowed red.

"Warning! Any attempt of teleportation could lead to dangerous side effects due to health issues and denied access to desired destination." it said.

Warning bells went off in my head. If I t-ported, I would most likely be zapped unconscious because Gideon trapped me in or, I would suffer from severe nausea and other unpleasant issues because of my current state. This wasn't looking good for me. Either ways, I wouldn't be able to go to school tomorrow so, there's a plus. So well, screw it, I'm doing it. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the worse as I prepared to t-port out of there.
Soon, I felt my body materialize somewhere else and I opened my eyes. My head became fuzzy and I stumbled against a wall. My t-port crashed to the floor and I used my hands to support myself against the wall. The dizziness cleared immediately and I was back to normal. I recognized my surroundings and realized that I was directly in front of the room door. For a moment, I panicked thinking I was still in the room and my head whipped wildly around and I realised I was just in the corridor. Good. I bolted towards the door at the other end and made my way to the televator.

Once I was out, I came face to face with Gideon carrying Jayden like a baby and Sophie playing with her hands. She was nervous. Gideon gave me a look of surprise, her gray eyes filled with wonder.

"How are you here?! There's no possible way that you would be able to get out of that room without even a scratch!" she exclaimed.

I shrugged.

"Well, here I am I guess. What's the matter?" I asked.

"She," Gideon started, giving Sophie a smirk, "went through with it, but what I don't understand is why he's asleep."

"Uh, I um g-gave him a sedative als-so so that we could um, you know take him home." Sophie said.

Gideon and I gave her a confused look.

"T-the first thing he'll see i-is his house so, he w-wont remember coming here." she said.

"Oh!" Gideon and I said at the same time.

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