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Hiiiiiii!!! Make sure to vote and leave comments!!!! Annnnnnd make sure to share!!! - Jarie.

Date: Unknown.
Time: Unknown

Axel and Fiona sat across from Theia in the light blue office. A large white desk was separating the two of them from Theia. It was a new strategy of course, one that Theia recently adopted because of him. He winced at the memory of him attempting to attack her. That didn't go to well.

Theia's eyes met his like she knew what he was thinking about and she gave him a warning look. He rolled his eyes and shifted his gaze to Fiona, who sat perfectly still. Her violet eyes were dim and she bit her bottom lip. She was lost in thought. Probably thinking of new ways to manipulate his plans. She finally shifted her gaze to him and they stared at each other, with her still biting her bottom lip.

He broke their staring contest and looked away, uncomfortable. Though she might be his friend, she still creeped him out a bit.

Theia cleared her throat and put on a smile.

"So, where were we?"

Axel crossed his arms and licked his lips.

"The part were you explain to me why, after years of begging me to take my 'job' seriously, you're letting someone else destroy everything I've done." he said.

She rolled her eyes and Axel resisted the urge to throttle her.

"Axel, we've already discussed this, it's none of your business."

Fiona bit back a laugh as Axel slammed his hands on the table. He got up and looked Theia right in the eyes.

"Axel, control yourself. We don't want what happened the last time to take place again."

He took in a deep breath and he sat back down.

"We have more important things to discuss right now." Theia said.

"Like the disappearance of Lena." Fiona said.

It was Axel's turn, again, to roll his eyes.

"Oh please. Can you actually blame her? Being around any of you guys would eventually make anyone crazy. Of course she ran away." he said.

"Axel." Theia said, giving him a warning look.

He looked away and bit his lip, probably to prevent himself from saying anything else.

"He might be right." Fiona said, a small smirk making its way on her lips.

Theia rose an eyebrow.

"Not about the going crazy part. Maybe, she went on one of her pointless adventures."


"What would you call them?" Axel asked, left eyebrow raised mockingly.


He huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms.

"I would've thought so too, Fiona but, something is wrong, I can feel it. Considering the fact that a page of your book was stolen, it co-"

"Wait, what?! A page from your creepy book is missing?!" Axel asked, shock evident on his face.

Fiona sighed, "Yes, I -"

"How come nobody knew about this?" he asked, blue eyes glowing.

Fiona and Theia shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

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