Prologue and Chapter One

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Copyright © 2020 by Savannah Jones

All rights reserved. No part of publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means include, Photocopying, Recording, or other Electronic or Mechanical methods. Without prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This story is specifically designed for mature audiences ONLY. Therefore scenes are not permitted for children under the age of 18. This book may contain Sexual act's, Graphic Violence, and indecent language.

" Let's Start At The Beginning "

Let's start at the beginning ........My names David

David Michael Andrew's I wasn't always the "bad guy" I used to have a normal life, filled with friends, a family who was disgusted with me. No, before you ask this isn't one of those stories about werewolves or immortals nope just your average seventeen year old male maybe with some dark twisted thoughts but hey you've probably had some too ? Maybe not as sick as mine. You see there's this girl I grew up with. We have lived up the street from each other since we were in diapers. Have I ever talked to her ? No , but have I tried ... again no. I cant describe it its not a normal love story boy meets girl crush, I have this sick desire to feel her touch her KILL her. Oh did I mention her name is Elizabeth Sellers. Just her name echoing in my brain makes me feel hot and fuzzy like need that hasn't been met. But that's get onward with my story .... after all it's only just begun.

High School Chapter One:

Here I am, A senior at east Caldwell high school. I guess you can say I sort of fit in with the loner jock stereotype. I'm on my way to class to meet up with my friend Jackson. Jackson and I have been friends since we were in diapers, our dads grew up together and decided we should grow up together to. Although Jackson is more out going and I'm more of a home body with dark twisted thoughts, who would rather chill in my room studying death. Jackson on the other hand is this long haired brown eyes out going partier who like new adventures. Trust me I don't know how we even ended up friends, we are total polar opposites where as our dads both graduated top of the glass and majored in science, I really don't see how we came to be. Me the loner and Jackson the hippie.

" Hey my dude" Jackson yelled from a distance. " what's up? " David said in return. You hear about the party at the Johnson's house tonight? Jackson asked David. You want to go? Nahh , David answered, I'm good, he continued. I have my studies to catch up on got to keep these straight A's up if I want to go to Harvard. You and Harvard man when are you going to learn how to have some real fun! Jackson booed at David. Come on it will be fun! You need to loosen up.... David zoned out thinking would he rather stay home and watch more ID documentaries or go out and try to be a semi normal human being for once. Sooo earth to David, Jackson said waving his hand in front of David's face. Sure, why not, David exclaimed as the bell rang. I'll see you after school David says as he rushes into class.

6hrs later.....

*horn blows*

I rush to my window to see Jackson blaring his horn impatiently while I proceed to put my shoes on. I'm coming. I'm coming David says rushing out the front door. Dude you got to chill put with the honking you know it drives my mom nuts. My bad , Jackson exclaimed. Ah shit here we go, Jackson yelled as he turned up the radio and we sped off into the night. " he said it wouldn't be long when he was with me yeah me singing I love rock and roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby!" Jackson screamed to the top of his lungs. Jesus how is this guy even apart of my life.....

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