Not an Update!

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I've gotten some messages asking me some questions about my story, so I thought I'd do a little Q&A.

Does Susan love Hope?
Yes, she just isn't sure how to handle her sometimes as they both clash and have similar personalities.

Why aren't Hope's parents around much?
They own a billionaire company, it's a lot of work and requires travelling for events and business meetings. Susan and Andrew believed that they could manage their business and raise children, but it was more of a challenge than they anticpated, so ultimately they weren't around as much as they wanted to be.

Are Ashton and Juliet friends? I want more scenes of the two of them!
They're friends, but I wouldn't call them close. I am not sure if I'll write any chapters with just the two of them.

Will we get a backstory on Eleanor?
Honestly, I don't have an answer for this question right now. I would love to write a prequel while Hope was in sophomore year, but I am not sure if it will actually happen.

Why did Melissa and William take Juliet in if they didn't want kids? Do they love her?
In theory, they didn't want kids, but obviously it got complicated when their niece lost her parents. They were the aunt and uncle Juliet was closest with, so the family agreed it would make the most sense for them to take in Juliet. They do love Juliet and they are just trying their best to be parental figures for her, and want to keep her safe.

Why did the kidnapper threaten to kill Mason and Logan?
Can't go too much into this one yet, but I can just say that the kidnapper has a twisted sense of morals, and did not kill Hope as she isn't actually a blood Flynn, she was adopted into the family. However, this doesn't necessarily mean Hope is safe.

Why haven't Hope's parents taught her how to respect people?
They're busy and left the parenting to either nannies or Eleanor, which lead to the Flynn children not really getting in trouble when they did bad things and having to develop their own sense of morals.

Why does Courtney hate Hope so much?
Courtney hates the Flynn children as they attract attention and are popular/ have a lot of friends. Courtney always wanted to be the Queen Bee, but she couldn't ever get past Eleanor.

Was Eleanor's death accidental?
Nope, there was nothing accidental about the kidnapping/ Eleanor's death.

Who killed Eleanor?
Who do you think killed her?

Does Juliet view Melissa and William
as parental figures?
Not really because she was older when they took her in, so she thinks of them as her guardians/ aunt and uncle, not really as her second set of parents.

*Author's Note* I hope that cleared some things up!

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