fool me once shame on you

Start from the beginning

But it didn't go as planned instead of esidesi getting trap in the rope, Joseph got trapped.

Esidesi: I thought you were smarter than that but I guess I was wrong.

Y/n: are you sure about that?
Joseph: esidesi I think you might want to look below you.

Esidesi had no time to react as the rope was now covered in ice and wrapped around his body.

Y/n: you may have outsmarted me but I outsmarted you outsmarting me, jojo if you would so kindly do the honor.

Joseph: with pleasure.

The hamon quickly flowed through the rope and was amplified by the ice effectively destroying esidesi's body leaving nothing but the nose ring. Y/n snapped it open and drank the antidote.

Joseph: ewwww I really hope that didn't come from his nose and it the antidote.

Y/n: dumbass now you're making me regret drinking it but the ring is gone.

Y/n stared at the fragments of the ring in her hand and encased it in ice.

Y/n: I'll bury esidesi in one of the battlegrounds.
Joseph: after all he did?
Y/n: he was still family.
Joseph: huh,Y/n were eyes always teal?
Y/n: what do you mean my eyes are (e/c).

He looked back and her eyes were back to their original color.

Joseph: must have been my imagination then.

They started walking back as the sun was going to rise soon neither of them noticing the remaining form of esidesi on y/n's back.

Y/n felt her body slump forward as had used more hamon than she normally did as she hadn't use that much hamon in years.

Joseph: do you want to go lay down.
Y/n: nah I'll be fine in a few minutes wheres the kitchen?

???: I can show you were it is.
Y/n: huh? Oh suzie you scared me!
Suzie: sorry y/n but I can show you where it is ceasar recently bought some pudding would you like some?

Her mouth watered at the thought of the sweet treat.

Suzie: I'll take that as a yes, follow me.
Y/n: bye jojo I'll bring back some pudding for you.
Joseph: bye y/n.

Walking away with suzie, they had decided to make idly conversation.

Y/n: so what do you think about jojo?
Suzie: he's handsome, strong and smart.
Y/n: I never thought a girl would call jojo smart you're really weird suzie.
As they had reached the kitchen the two  noticed ceasar in the kitchen enjoyed a cup of pudding,  the two girls waved at him.

Y/n: ceasar there better be pudding left in the fridge or next time we train I'm not going to hold back.
Ceasar: no need to get upset snowy.
Y/n: snowy? You give worse nicknames than jojo.
Ceasar: I'll eat the rest of the pudding in the fridge if you don't take that back.
Y/n: you wouldn't dare.
Ceasar: try me.

Suzie watched as the two bickered a smile on her face but it was quickly replaced with confusion as she noticed some green slime on y/n's back as the girl was enjoying her pudding.

Suzie: y/n what's that green slime on your back?
Y/n: green slime?
Suzie: it's quite sticky as well.

Her eyes widened as she realized what had happened and dropped her pudding.

Y/n: nooooo my pudding!
Suzie: what's the matter?
Y/n: esidesi didn't die his brain survide which means he's somewhere in the manor we have to go warn jojo and the others!

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