3. The One Who Saves Her...

Start from the beginning

He dashed past a couple of people who were shocked to see him in that condition and strode straight towards his father. Gritting his teeth he muttered again as he held the neck of the bottle in his hand, "Anna! Anna! Anna, you should have been alive to see this great emotional soap opera by my great family, they all love you so much. They didn't even want us to get married and see how much love they are showing now"

Saying this he threw the alcohol bottle he was holding and in a matter of seconds, it collapsed on the floor and shattered into pieces, making a loud noise diverting the attention of everyone present there. On seeing his irrational behavior, his father came near him and slapped him hard on his face, "Go inside your room right now... You are spoiling the peaceful atmosphere"

With one hand placed over his cheeks, he replied softly letting out a burst of small laughter, "Why are you getting so angry papa? I was just trying to tell everyone the truth behind this drama you all are doing"

Shreekant's words raised Anant's temper inconsiderably and he was about to hit him again when a woman came rushing to him and whispered very feebly in a tone only audible to him, "What are you doing? There are so many guests here"

Fumbling in his speech he continued, "Why are you stopping him? You wanted this to happen ... My dear stepmom. Don't worry papa I wouldn't disturb you or your elegant guests anymore. I am going to the only person who actually cares for me. I can't tolerate this fake play of you people anymore... By the way, nice crocodile tears, keep it up"  He chuckled loudly while walking away hastily out of the party. 

He angrily wiped his tears and went out of the house, driving his car and drinking, "I want to go away far away from these people", and started driving on NH 48.

4:00 PM, 8th March, Old Factory Area, Belgaum

Amna kept on reminding herself that she has to somehow run away from the captivity of the man. Her courage and determination were not broken even in that state. Time was running out of her hands like slipping of sands in the hourglass as the man could be back any time.

She spotted some pieces of broken glass lying underneath a table lying close by and dragged herself to reach it. With her hands still tied tightly backward, she picked up the broken glass with the fingers of her palm trying to cut the rope tied to her wrist firmly. She succeeded, but her palms got wounded because of the sharp corners of the glass and she started to bleed badly.

With her hands now untied, she quickly removed the rope over her feet and started wandering around the concrete floor of the area finding a way to escape. The place had a peculiar stink, dirty cobwebs surrounding every wall. The dirt, dust, and heat made her feel sick as the environment was too tragic for anyone to survive.

She saw an old rusted back door from which a dim light was streaking and marched towards it with an unsteady gait. She pushed herself against the jammed door again and again to open it but all her efforts were in vain. In one last attempt to open the door, she gathered all her energy and kicked the door hard with her right leg, and finally, she managed to open it.

With unstable and irregular steps she took barefooted as the chappals that she was wearing had come off because of the chaos, she paced to flee the place as speedily as she could and entered into a forest area that was located just behind the factory. 

But to her misfortune, the scorching heat of the sun and the after-effect of the sedative made her giddy again. Drops of sweat were dripping down her already dehydrated body while growls of hunger dissipated and took control over her confidence. She had not eaten or drunk a single drop of water since last midnight.

Her survival and escape plan ultimately failed as she hit her head into a tree and fell with a loud thud. She tried wiping the leaking stream of blood from the temple of her forehead but finally got unconscious there.

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