Chapter 10: Wondering Around Backstage

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Jaskara had just finished talking to Jey Uso, Roman's cousin, & she starts walking around, roaming & wondering around the hallways of the thunderdome arena. She keeps wondering around the backstage area then bumps into a family, which she apologizes for. The family turned around & she says "oh my god, I'm so sorry for bumping into you guys, it's my fault, I'll leave now." She starts to walk away but the mysterio family stops her in her tracks. Jaskara stops & walks back to them. Rey says "hi, I'm Rey Mysterio & this is my family." His wife & daughter asks "are you ok sweetie?" Jaskara says "no, I'm not, I'm a disaster." Dominik Mysterio gives Jaskara a little hug & so does his daughter, Aalyah. His wife says "if you need to talk, we will be in my husbands lockerroom so come knock at anytime." Jaskara smiles & says "thank you." His wife nods then they head over to Charly for their family interview. Jaskara thinks to herself that she already made a friend out of Jey Uso & possibly out of Rey's family so this is good then she keeps wondering around backstage. As she keeps wondering around backstage, she runs into Mr. McMahon & says "hello Mr. McMahon, I'm Jaskara Barajos, I'm part of Roman's storyline, we spoke over a video conference at his mansion." Vince turns around & says "oh hey Ms. Barajos, call me Vince & I'll call you Jaskara but how are you doing tonight." She says "may we have a little talk in your office later because I'm not really used to acting." Vince says "yes, of course meet me in my office after your backstage interview with Charly." Jaskara says "ok, thank you Vince." They smile then he walks back to his office, walks in, & shuts the door. Jaskara notices that she's really likable & charming to some people like the Mysterio family, Jey Uso, & Mr. McMahon so she thinks to keep on impressing people. She keeps wondering but gets bored so she goes & sits on a crete that's beside the catering area.

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