Chapter 9: Opening the Feelings A Little

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As the three walked in the arena, Roman & Paul walk towards Roman's lockerroom as they say "we will be in the lockerroom." Jaskara looks around after they left her to observe the environment but as she scanned the arena, she sees her parents then rolls her eyes. Her parents walks up to her saying "hi darling." She gives them the cold shoulder & walks off as they pull her back to them. Jaskara yells what are y'all doing here, I don't wanna see y'all anymore after you left me on my own at 14 years, remember, y'all abandoned me & now I can't trust you or anybody else so leave me alone & leave the arena now!" She pushes them aside & walks to Roman's lockerroom then knocks on his door for approval to go in. Her parents stood there with shame on their faces as the WWE Superstars laugh at them & the security leads them out of the building then shuts the door in their faces. Roman says "come in." Jaskara walks in, shuts the door, & sits in between Roman & Paul. Paul looks worried & asks "what's wrong?" Roman looks over at Jaskara worried. She says "who brought my parents here, I didn't want them here, they abandoned me at 14 then expect me to be happy to see them like no, I hate them & this is why I have trust issues & can't trust nobody so after this stupid storyline is over, I want nothing to do with y'all." Paul gaps & says "I brought them here so don't blame Roman & I wanted you to see them again." She rolls her eyes & says "I can't believe you would do that, you don't even know what happened in my life & now bring them here, what an embrassment." Roman says "look after this storyline is over, I'll talk to Mr. McMahon, Stephanie, & Triple H to see if you can have a WWE contract to be on your own." Jaskara gets up & says "don't even bother, you were in it as Paul was to bring them here, now I can't trust you or him anymore when I tried to trust y'all & I'll talk to them myself, bye." She walks out of Roman's lockeroom & slams the door behind her. She stands on the outside & cry. Jey Uso walks up to Jaskara & asks "are you ok?" She looks up at Jey & says "no, I'm not but thanks for asking & I'm sorry for what your cousin did to you at Clash of Champions." They both hug it out & Jey says "oh that's ok sweetie, it's just a family scripted feud that's all." She smiles a little. She says "well thanks for making me smile a little Jey imma talk to Mr. McMahon later about having my own WWE contract so I can get away from Roman & Paul." Jey laughs & asks "what did they do?" Jaskara begins to open up to Jey & says "I'll tell you later so just come get me from Roman's lockerroom later." Jey smiles & says "alright cya." They both go their separate ways. Jaskata smiles a little & thinks to herself saying "did I just make a small conversation with Jey Uso, well maybe this breaking my shell won't hurt beside I opened my heart & feelings a little."

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