Chapter 1: The Scary Letter

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It was 8pm with a bad storm outside her home while Jaskara was lying in her bed, upstairs in her bedroom with the door open & she tries to fall asleep but couldn't so she gets out of bed, slides her flip flops on, tosses her robe on, then walks out of the room & walks downstairs into the living room. Jaskara wonders around her living room & jumps after hearing lightning strikes along with the heavy rain, hitting the ground. The doorbell rings as another lightning bolt strikes the ground as she walks towards the door, looks down as something light was slid underneath it, then the person on the outside leaves as Jaskara puts up the white, unwetted letter & sits on the ouch, holding it in her hands, thinking that it's weird that if it's raining hard outside with the bad storm that the letter would get wet but it's not. She turns on the smallest lamp light, looks down at the letter, & begins to open it slowly but doesn't open it right away because it doesn't address who it's from. Jaskara sits the scary letter down beside her as she tries to think who would go out this late to deliver a letter with no name to her, gets up off the couch, walks into her kitchen, & grabs a bottle of water, leaning against the countertop beside the fridge. Meanwhile, outside was Roman's special counsel, Paul who delivered the letter then walked back to the unnamed black van, hops in the passenger seat, & the van pulls off as Jaskara watches through the kitchen window. The mysterious black van drove off down the street in the worst weather ever in the night & Jaskara walked back to the couch, sits down, & picks up the letter, opening it up to see what the letter is about. The letter is opened and she starts reading it with it saying: "Hello, Ms. Barajas, I can't tell you who I am just yet but what I can tell you is that you're my unknown target & I won't leave you alone until I get what I want from you which is my offer of making you my second special counsel but trust me if you say no to this, it won't be a pretty sight so think carefully on your answer then meet me in the alley behind your job bye." She sits the letter down, rests her head in her lap, & thinks hard about the offer given to her by this unknown person. She gets up off the couch, turns off the small lamp light, grabs the letter, walks upstairs into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her, & lays down on her bed, rereading the letter over and over until she comes up with an answer then she falls asleep.

Unknown TargetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz