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          it was already past lunch time when minji pressed the passcode for an access to the huang household

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it was already past lunch time when minji pressed the passcode for an access to the huang household. the house was covered in silence and she could only hear the subtle sound made by the airconditioner. she saw that the ac is on 18 degrees but it still managed to make the home cozy and warm.

she hurriedly went to renjun's room to check up on him. minji opened the door carefully, trying her very best not to make any sound as she peeked inside the room. there she saw her boyfriend sleeping soundly with a blanket covering his whole body. she closed the door to let him sleep peacefully as she went to the kitchen.

the sink is filled with used crockery, renjun obviously didn't have the time to clean those so minji decided to do the dishes. she had already finished and sent renjun's pending written works so she doesn't really have anything to do now. minji tied her short hair in a half bun before she started cleaning.

as she wiped the last newly washed plate, a pair of arms gently embraced her and a chin was placed on her shoulder. "good morning, baby," renjun placed a soft kiss on her cheek before he rested his chin on her shoulder again.

she placed the plate in the dish storage then turned around to face him. "you've already taken a shower yet you didn't notice the time?" she giggled as she ran her finger through renjun's damp hair to comb his messy hair.

renjun pouted, acting sullen, "my phone's dead. i fell asleep while watching your play on my phone earlier after i'm done with my paintings." he rubbed his eye, "i want to finish it but my phone and eyes didn't cooperate with me."

"is that why your eyes are swollen? i almost thought you cried."

he was obviously taken aback with her question but before minji could even open her mouth to say something, renjun hugged her tight again, burying his face into her neck. he fell silent and it made his girlfriend anxious because he implicitly confessed that he really did cry. huang renjun cries a lot, everyone in his group of friends have seen him cried at least once, making them being used to it but it doesn't mean that they don't care about it a lot.

minji felt her shoulder and neck getting wet due to her boyfriend's tears. he's crying again. "i'm here, love," she hugged her tight, caressing his back to comfort him. "i'm listening. whenever you're ready to talk, okay?"

she expected that he would talk after some time because that is what he always does when he cries so minji was really surprised when he responded quickly.

"i was just pretending to be asleep when you entered my room," renjun confessed, his lips are trembling. "when i went for a jog this morning, i saw your dad and we talked for a bit," he bit his lip to calm himself.

renjun pulled away from the hug to face his girlfriend, "he told me everything."

minji froze on her spot but she soon recollected herself and wiped renjun's face filled with tears. "i'm sorry i couldn't tell you sooner, i was thinking that it could distract you from doing your project. i'm sorry."

"i know, that's also what i told your dad when he asked me why didn't i know about that," he held her hand.

she gulped, "he told you everything, right? renjun-ah, i'm not going to leave again. i told him i'll stay here with mom, with jaemin, with you... with everyone. i'm not going to leave again, i promise." minji felt tears streaming down her face, "please, love. i don't like it when you cry because of me."

her boyfriend harshly wiped his tears away and took a deep breath in attempt to calm himself but he only cried harder. "renjun-ah, i told you i will not leave," minji didn't know what to feel when she saw him crying harder because of her words. it's like something's not right.

"i'm sorry, minji," renjun's lips began to bleed from biting it too much. "it's me. i'm sorry, i can't stay here with you."

studying in europe has always been a dream of renjun since he began to love art. when he was younger, he studied hard about the history of art, and it made him want to pursue a degree overseas where he can explore and create more. he was more than grateful to read the email sent to him from a university in europe, informing him that they have seen his portfolio and they're looking forward to see him study there.

when he entered his third year in college, he was determined to pursue his dream overseas until minji returned to his life again. he was so sure that he can go to europe without hesitation, but being with minji buried his dream on the back of his mind. after seeing his girlfriend doing great on stage, he realized his love for his dreams and he also wanted to be someone who minji can be proud of. that is why he came up with this decision. he has also delayed his transfer for months, and if he decided to prolong it more, his application will be terminated.

"i'm so happy for you," minji told him between her sobs. "i've seen pictures of amsterdam in your room, and now you're going to study there? i'm so proud of you, love."

renjun knew that his girlfriend is really happy for him but he also knew that she's feigning to be this cheerful. he knew that she was breaking inside, because he is too. "i'm sorry-"

minji was quick to shake her head in disagreement, "shush, you don't need to apologize if you're doing it for yourself, okay?"

they felt silent for a while until minji broke the silence, "so... when are you leaving?"

his girlfriend's swollen eyes made his heart hurt and regret that he didn't tell her sooner. not like he chose not to, he just didn't have the courage to do so. he knows it's still wrong, though. "...after the convention," he quietly mumbled.

minji wiped the tear that escaped from renjun's eye once again and smiled at him, "so... can i just stare at your face for the rest of the day?" i will miss you so bad.

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